Shutting down a CMAS

You can shut down a CMAS using the WUI shutdown action button or the COSD transaction.

You can use the CMASSTOP command of the CODB system-level debugging transaction to shut down the CMAS, but CODB is restricted and must be used only at the request of IBM® customer support personnel. Do not attempt to shut down a CMAS in these ways:

  • Issue the CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN command against a CMAS
  • Cancel the CMAS job from MVS™

If you take either of these actions, the CMAS cannot shut itself down properly.

If you shut down more than one CMAS at the same time, you might receive message EYUCP0205S. In this situation, the message does not indicate a problem, and CICSPlex® SM does not produce a diagnostic SVC dump as it normally would when this message is issued. You can avoid the message by staggering your CMAS shutdowns.

Using the Shutdown button

    • From the main menu, click CICSPlex SM operations views > CMASs known to local CMAS to open the CMASs known to local CMAS tabular view.
    • Select the record check box beside the CMAS and click Shutdown.... The Shutdown confirmation view is displayed.
    • Click Yes to confirm. The CMASs known to local CMAS tabular view is displayed again, showing a status of INACTIVE for that CMAS.
    • From the main menu, click CICSPlex SM operations views > MASs known to CICSplex to display the MASs known to CICSplex tabular view.
    • Click the CMAS name to display the CMAS detail view.
    • Click Shutdown.... The Shutdown confirmation view is displayed.
    • Click Yes to confirm. The MASs known to CICSplex tabular view is displayed again.

Using the COSD transaction

You can issue the transaction ID, COSD, from any terminal, including an MVS console: