Implementing MVS automatic restart management

You can exploit MVS automatic restart management to implement a sysplex-wide integrated automatic restart mechanism.

To use the MVS automatic restart manager facility, follow these steps:
  1. Implement automatic restart management on the MVS images on which the CICS® workload is to run.
  2. Ensure that CICS startup JCL used to restart CICS regions is suitable for MVS automatic restart management.
  3. Specify appropriate CICS START options.
  4. Specify appropriate MVS workload policies.
Implementing MVS automatic restart management for CICS generally involves the following steps:
  • Ensure that the MVS images available for automatic restarts have access to the databases, logs, and program libraries required for the workload.
  • Identify those CICS regions for which you want to use automatic restart management.
  • Define restart processes for the candidate CICS regions.
  • Define ARM policies for the candidate CICS regions. Allow the RESTART_ORDER LEVEL to default to 2. CICS regions are generally level 2 in the ARM restart order, after DB2® and DBCTL.

For information about MVS automatic restart management, see Automatic restart management and z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.