Configuring the z/OS component

After you install the CICS® TS Feature Pack for Dynamic Scripting V2.0 on your z/OS® system, you must configure it to complete the setup.

Before you begin

You must understand how to create and configure a Liberty JVM server that is running in CICS. For more information, see Getting started with Java web applications. You must have the permissions to create and install CICS resources in the region.

About this task

Different configuration steps are required, depending on the value you specify for If you specify, the server.xml file is generated automatically when you install and start the liberty JVM server, and some parameters in server.xml are automatically updated. If you specify, the server.xml file is not generated automatically, and you must create it. For more information, see Configuring a Liberty JVM server for web applications.


  1. Copy sample JVMPROFILE DFHPHP from @phpinst@/JVMProfiles to the directory named on the SIT option JVMPROFILEDIR, where @phpinst@ is the location of the feature pack. Rename the copied DFHPHP JVMPROFILE to DFHPHP.jvmprofile.
  2. In the DFHPHP.jvmprofile JVMPROFILE that you copied and renamed in step 1, specify a value for according to your requirements. For more information, see JVM system properties.
  3. In the DFHPHP.jvmprofile JVMPROFILE that you copied and renamed in step 1, specify a value for -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort according to your requirements. Because of a change in the sort algorithm that is used by java.util.Arrays.sort in Java™ 7, to make some PHP functions such as sort() behave in a manner consistent with PHP from, specify -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true.
  4. In the DFHPHP.jvmprofile JVMPROFILE that you copied and renamed in step 1, specify a value for JAVA_HOME according to your requirements. Substitute the location of your Java installation for the string ///&JAVA_HOME///.
  5. Check the JVMPROFILE and ensure that it contains a LIBPATH_SUFFIX statement for php extensions.
    For example:
    Substitute @phpinst@ for the location of the feature pack.
  6. Create or generate, and then customize, a server.xml file, and specify the necessary parameters:

    If you specify in step 2, the server.xml file is generated automatically, and you must complete the following steps:
    1. Specify values for, and or according to your own environment.
    2. Install the liberty JVM server to generate the server.xml file. The JVM server requires the configuration files to be in the WLP_USER_DIR/servers/server_name directory in the working directory, where WLP_USER_DIR is the value of the WLP_USER_DIR option and server_name is the value of the property. If you want to install the sample application, you must install the sample group DFH$PHP.
    If you specify, in step 2, the server.xml is not generated automatically, and you must complete the following steps instead:
    1. Create a server.xml file. For more information about creating this file, see Configuring a Liberty JVM server for web applications.
      Ensure that the features that are required by CICS to run PHP applications are defined in the servers.xml file. These features are cicsts:core-1.0, jsp-2.2, and blueprint-1.0.
    2. Specify the HTTP endpoint attribute host name and port numbers that you require.
      For example:
      <httpEndpoint host="" httpPort="28216" httpsPort="28217"
    3. Specify other parameters according to your requirements. For more information, see The Liberty profile server.xml file for a JVM server.
  7. Update the server.xml file in the CICS Liberty profile of JVM server DFH$PHP to add the OSGi bundle to a shared bundle repository.
    For example:
    <bundleRepository id="php">
     <fileset dir="@phpinst@/repository" includes=""/>
    Where @phpinst@ is the location of the feature pack.
    Note: JVMSERVER DFH$PHP and JVMPROFILE DFHPHP are the samples that are provided with the feature pack. If you are using your own JVMSERVER and JVMPROFILE, you must update them as shown in steps 3 and 5.
  8. Optional: Use a URIMAP of type JVMSERVER, and change the default CJSA transaction to a user transaction where CICS transaction security can be applied. Sample URIMAP and transaction definitions are provided in the resource group DFH$PHP in DFH$PURI is the sample URIMAP definition, and CPTN is the transaction.
  9. Optional: Implement Liberty security. For more information about implementing Liberty security, see Configuring security.


Your CICS region is ready to run dynamic scripting applications.