Specifications - WLMSPEC

The WLM specification (WLMSPEC) views show default control attributes that are used for CICPlex SM workload management. When associated with a routing region, the specification name becomes the workload name for that region. The WLMSPEC also provides the anchor for all explicit workload definitions associated with the CICS system. Although a WLM specification may be associated with any number of routing regions, a CICS region may have only one WLMSPEC associated with it.

Supplied views

To access from the main menu, click:

Administration views > Workload manager administration views > Specifications

Table 1. Views in the supplied WLM specifications (WLMSPEC) view set
View Notes
WLM specifications


Add an association between a WLM specification and a CICS system.
WLM specifications


Add an association between a WLM specification and a CICS group.
WLM specifications


Create a WLM specification and add it to the data repository.
WLM specifications


Detailed information about a selected WLM specification.
WLM specifications


Remove a WLM specification from the data repository.
WLM specifications


Tabular information about all WLM specifications within the current context.


Table 2. Actions available for WLMSPEC views
Action Description
ADDSYSDEF Add an association between a WLM specification and a CICS system.
ADDSYSGRP Add an association between a WLM specification and a CICS group.
CREATE Create a WLM specification and add it to the data repository.
REMOVE Remove a WLM specification from the data repository.
UPDATE Update a selected WLM specification.


Table 3. Fields in WLMSPEC views
Field Attribute name Description
Acceptable level of abend probability ABENDCRIT The abend probability for a transaction associated with the default transaction group that should cause a target region to be considered unhealthy.
Acceptable abend load threshold ABENDTHRESH The abend probability for a transaction associated with the default transaction group that should cause a target region's load level to be doubled.
Automatic affinity creation option AFFAUTO Indicates whether CICSPlex SM is to automatically create an affinity relationship for transactions that are not associated with a transaction group.
  • YES - An affinity is created using the values in the Affinity Relation and Affinity Lifetime fields.
  • NO - An affinity is not automatically created (but can be created by a customized version of the dynamic routing program EYU9WRAM).
  • N_A - There are no values in the Affinity Relation and Affinity Lifetime fields, therefore, no affinity is created.
Default affinity relationship AFFINITY The default affinity relationship to be used for transactions that are not associated with any installed transaction group. The affinity relationship values are:
  • Global - All users at all terminals.
  • Luname - Terminal logical unit name.
  • Userid - User ID.
  • Bappl - CICS BTS business application.
  • Locked - LOCKED affinities can arise only between dynamically linked programs. A LOCKED affinity is created when a called program retains state data that is to be preserved after returning to its caller. Programs with this type of affinity are routed to the same target region until end of unit of work occurs. LOCKED can be used only for dynamic program link (DPL) requests with an associated affinity lifetime of UOW.
  • N_a - No affinity relationship is defined

If this field is blank, no affinity relationship was defined.

This field and the Affinity Lifetime field are closely related. If you update this value, make sure an appropriate lifetime value is also specified. For a list of valid affinity relationship and lifetime combinations, see 'Relations and Lifetimes' in the CICS TS Information Center.

Default affinity lifetime AFFLIFE The default affinity lifetime to be used with the default affinity relationship. This value is used for transactions that are not associated with any installed transaction group. The affinity lifetime values are:
  • Delimit - Until the pseudoconversation mode is END.
  • Logon - For the duration of the terminal session.
  • Pconv - For the duration of the pseudoconversation.
  • Permanent - As long as the workload is active.
  • Signon - As long as the user session is active.
  • System - As long as the AOR to which transactions are routed is active.
  • Activity - As long as the CICS BTS activity is active.
  • Process - As long as the CICS BTS process is active.
  • Uow - For as long as the unit-of-work is active
  • N_a - No affinity lifetime is defined

If this field is blank, no affinity lifetime was defined.

This field and the Affinity Relationship field are closely related. If you update this value, make sure an appropriate affinity relation value is also specified. For a list of valid affinity relationship and lifetime combinations, see 'Relations and Lifetimes' in the CICS TS Information Center.

Algorithm type ALGTYPE The algorithm to be used when selecting the best target region in the Target Scope to which a transaction should be routed. Valid options are:
  • QUEUE - Route the transaction to the target region with best combination of:
    • Health (MaxTask, Short-on-storage, Dumping, Stalled)
    • Task queue depth (or load)
    • Link speed from the routing region
    • Abend probability, when calculated
    • RTA event impact, when defined
  • LNQUEUE - Route the transaction to the target region with best combination of:
    • Health (MaxTask, Short-on-storage, Dumping, Stalled)
    • Task queue depth (or load)
    • Abend probability, when calculated
    • RTA event impact, when defined
    Note - The link speed from the router to the target is not factored into the routing weight calculation for the LNQUEUE algorithm
  • GOAL - Route the transaction to the target region that:
    • Is the most likely to allow the transaction to meet the response time goal set for it and other transactions in its MVS workload management class
      • When a specific target cannot be identified, apply the QUEUE algorithm to the remaining set of target regions
  • LNGOAL - Route the transaction to the target region that:
    • Is the most likely to allow the transaction to meet the response time goal set for it and other transactions in its MVS workload management class
      • When a specific target cannot be identified, apply the LNQUEUE algorithm to the remaining set of target regions
Default target scope AORSCOPE The name of the CICS system or CICS system group that is to be the target for any transactions not associated with an installed transaction group.
Last modification agent CHANGEAGENT The change agent identifier that made the last modification.
  • DREPAPI - Resource was last changed by a CICSPlex SM API command.
Last modification agent release CHANGEAGREL The CICS release level of the agent that made the last modification.
Last modification CHANGETIME The local time when the definition was last changed.
Last modification user ID CHANGEUSRID The user ID that made the last modification.
Time created CREATETIME The local time when the definition was created.
Description DESC A description of the workload specification.
Description code page DESCCODEPAGE The code page of the description field.
RTA event EVENTNAME The name of an analysis definition (RTADEF) or status definition (STATDEF) that may affect transactions using the default transaction group for this workload specification. If a real-time analysis event is generated by this definition, WLM uses the information to select the best routing for those transactions.

If this field is blank, no analysis or status definition is associated with the default transaction group.

Primary search criterion MATCH Identifies whether the user name (USERID) or the logical unit name (LUNAME) is used as the primary search criteria for transactions that are not associated with an installed transaction group.
Name NAME The name of the workload specification (which is also the name of the workload).