Opening VSAM or BDAM files

Before your application programs can access a file, CICS® must first have opened the file using the installed file definition referenced by your program.

About this task

Part of the process of opening a file is to ensure that the control blocks and buffers required for subsequent processing of the data set are available. If you defined the file to use VSAM local shared resources (LSR), these control blocks and buffers are allocated from the pool of resources. If the LSR pool does not exist at the time of the opening, CICS calculates the requirements and builds the pool before the file is opened. If you defined the file to use nonshared resources, the required control blocks and buffers are allocated by VSAM as part of OPEN processing. If you defined the file to be opened in RLS access mode, VSAM allocates control blocks and buffers in the SMSVSAM address space and associated data set. RLS mode also uses a CF cache structure, to which the data set is bound when the first file that references it is opened.

You may need to access a single VSAM data set either through the base or through one or more paths for different access requests. In this case, CICS uses a separate file definition (that is, a separate file), for each of the access routes. Each file definition must be associated with the corresponding data set name (a path is also assigned a data set name). Each file must be open before CICS can access the file using the attributes in its installed file definition. This is because opening one file for a data set that is logically defined as two or more files with different attributes does not mean that the data set is then available for all access routes.

CICS permits more than one file definition to be associated with the same physical data set name. For example, you may want to define files with different processing attributes that refer to the same data set.

CICS allows or denies access to data in a file, depending on whether the state of the file is ENABLED. An enabled file that is closed is opened by CICS automatically when the first access request is made. The file remains open until an explicit CLOSE request or until the end of the CICS job.

You can also open a file explicitly by using either of the commands

When you use one of these commands, the file is opened irrespective of whether its state is enabled or disabled. You may choose this method to avoid the overhead associated with opening the file being borne by the first transaction to access the file.

You can also specify that you want CICS to open a file immediately after initialization by specifying the RDO OPENTIME(STARTUP) attribute (or the FILSTAT=OPENED parameter in the DFHFCT macro). If you specify that you want CICS to open the file after startup, and if the file status is ENABLED or DISABLED, the CICS file utility transaction CSFU opens the file. (CSFU does not open files that are: defined as UNENABLED the status of these remains CLOSED, UNENABLED.) CSFU is initiated automatically, immediately before the completion of CICS initialization. CICS opens each file with a separate OPEN request. If a user transaction starts while CSFU is still running, it can reference and open a file that CSFU has not yet opened; it does not have to wait for CSFU to finish.