The TCTUAKEY system initialization parameter specifies the storage key for the terminal control table user areas (TCTUAs) if you are operating CICS with storage protection (STGPROT=YES).

The permitted values are USER (the default), or CICS:
CICS obtains the amount of storage for TCTUAs in user key. This allows a user program executing in any key to modify the TCTUA.
CICS obtains the amount of storage in CICS key. This means that only programs executing in CICS key can modify the TCTUA, and user-key programs have read-only access.

If CICS is running without storage protection, the TCTUAKEY parameter only designates which DSA (User or CICS) the storage comes from. The TCTUAs are accessed in CICS-key whether they are in the UDSA or CDSA.