
An attempt to perform a BIDI transformation failed.

System action

Service flow processing ends.

User response

Check the following fields in the error message:
  • Response code
  • Reason code
A response code of 5 indicates an incorrect BIDI transformation attribute string. The reason code indicates whether the attribute problem is one of the following:
  • A duplicate reference (value 1)
  • No Text Type attribute provided (value 2)
  • No Orientation attribute (value 3)
The BIDI transformation attributes need updating using either the model in service flow project tools or, if dynamic messages are used, check the attributes in the request message.

The other response codes indicate that the system functions used to support the BIDI transformation have failed. The reason code provides the error code returned by the failing system function. These codes are for diagnostic purposes for the IBM Service team.


CMAC transient data queue.