CMAN - the flow management transaction

Use the CMAN transaction to manage your deployed service flows. You can install new service flows, enable and disable installed service flows, and delete service flows from the service flow repository file. You can also use this transaction to view and change the options for a particular service flow, such as turning vector logging on and off.

To start the CMAN transaction, you can do one of the following:

  • Enter CMAN on the command line of your display. The transaction lists, in alphabetical order, all the deployed service flows that are defined in the DFHMAASF service flow repository file. CMAN also displays the status of each service flow and the number of times it has been invoked since the CICS region started up.
  • Enter CMAN on the command line of your display, followed by the required action and service flow:

If you enter CMAN on the command line of your display, the main screen displays:

Figure 1. CMAN transaction: main screen
DFHMA00       CICS TS V3.2 Service Flow Runtime - Installed Service Flows 
Request name filter: *                                                       More: + - 
Actions: 1= View details 2= Enable 3= Disable 4= Delete                                

Act   Request name   Status   Use count   Response
 _      INQUIRE1     Enabled   00006              
 _      ITEMREQ      Enabled   00000              
 _      NACTTEST     Disabled  00058              
 _      NCFNAVS      Enabled   00377              
 _      NCLNAVA      Unusable  00766              
 _      NCMQAA       Enabled   00111              
 _      ORDCREQ      Enabled   00118              
 _      REQFEPI      Enabled   00118              

DFHMA100I  Type action code then press ENTER or F2 to install flows
F1=Help  F2=Install Flows  F3=Return  F7=Page Up  F8=Page Down  F12=Cancel

From this screen you can perform a number of tasks:

  • Scroll through the list of installed service flows using the PF7 and PF8 keys.
  • View a subset of service flows, using the Request name filter field and the wildcard character *.
  • View the details of a service flow, including the list of its server adapters.
  • Enable, disable, and delete one or more service flows.

If you require help, press PF1.