High-level language support

This topic lists the high-level programming languages and compilers that are in service on z/OS® and have CICS® translator support and Language Environment® runtime support with CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 5 Release 1.
All COBOL, PL/I, C, and C++ compilers listed in this topic can use the integrated CICS translator.


Product name PID Translator Run time
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V3.4 5655-G53 Supported Supported
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V4.1 and V4.2 5655-S71 Supported Supported
Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V5.1 and V5.2 5655-W32 Supported Supported


Product name PID Translator Run time
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS V3.9 5655-H31 Supported Supported
Enterprise PL/I for z/OS V4.1, V4.2, and V4.3 5655-W67 Supported Supported

C and C++

Product name PID Translator Run time
z/OS V1.11 and above XL C/C++ 5694-A01 - Component of z/OS Supported Supported


Product name PID Translator Run time
High Level Assembler for MVS™ and VM and VSE V1.6 and above 5696-234 Supported Supported


Product name PID Run time
IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java™ Technology Edition, V7 5655-W44 Supported

hll_support.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019