OSGi Service Platform Release 4 Version 4.3

The OSGi Service Platform Release 4 specification provides an open and common architecture to develop, deploy, and manage services in a coordinated way.

The OSGi Service Platform describes a general-purpose, secure, and managed Java framework that supports the deployment of extensible and downloadable applications known as bundles. The framework manages the installation and update of bundles in an OSGi environment in a dynamic and scalable fashion. The framework is divided into layers that include security, lifecycle, and services.

The specification is published by the OSGi Alliance and can be downloaded from the OSGi Service Platform Release 4 web page. CICS supports Version 4.3 and uses the Equinox implementation of the OSGi Service Platform. For more information about Equinox, see the Equinox website.

osgi.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019