Configuring CICS to process JSON

You must configure your CICS® regions to process JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Before you begin

You must install the CICS TS Feature Pack for Mobile Extensions and satisfy any prerequisites. For more information, see Installing the feature pack.


Follow these steps for each CICS region that you want to support JSON processing:

  1. To use CICS as a service provider for JSON requests or to use the linkable interface to transform JSON, define and install a JVMSERVER resource with a JVM profile that has the JAVA_PIPELINE=YES option specified. An example JVMSERVER resource definition called DFH$AXIS is provided in group DFH$AXIS.
  2. To configure CICS as a service provider for JSON requests, see Creating the CICS infrastructure for a JSON service provider.


You have set up your CICS region and z/OS® UNIX to process JSON.

What to do next

Create a service provider application using the JSON assistants, or write CICS application that use the linkable interface to transform JSON. For more information, see JSON assistants and Transforming application data and JSON using the linkable interface.

config_cics.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019