DFHPI0914 E    date time applid userid WEBSERVICE WebService is UNUSABLE because: {the WSBind file was not found | CICS is not authorized to read the WSBind file | there is insufficient storage to load the WSBind file | the HFS read for the WSBind file failed | writing the WSBind file to the shelf failed | the PIPELINE is incompatible with this WEBSERVICE | the CPIR resolution transaction could not be attached | the direction of the PIPELINE can't be determined | the WSBind file is corrupt | the WSBind file has an invalid version number | the WSBind file has an out of date version number | the WSBind file product number was not recognized | the PIPELINE is not a SOAP PIPELINE | the PIPELINE does not support SOAP version 1.2 | the PIPELINE is not configured for SOAP version 1.1 | the WSBind file is incompatible with the LOCALCCSID}.


The WEBSERVICE failed to complete initialization.

System action

The WEBSERVICE has been put into the UNUSABLE state.

User response

Check that the CICS region id has permission to write to the PIPELINE resource's shelf directory structure. Check that the WSBind file exists and that CICS has read permission for it. Check that the WSDL file, if specified, exists and that CICS has read permission for it.

Check that the PIPELINE resource into which the WEBSERVICE is being installed is enabled and valid. Ensure that the correct definitions exist in the CICS CSD for the Language Environment version currently in use.

Consider how the WSBind file has been produced. It must be recognized as a valid WSBind file. If it is transferred between systems then this must be done in binary mode in order to avoid corruption of the file.

If there is a version error reported then regenerate the WSBind file using the correct version of the Web services assistants.

If a problem is reported with the LOCALCCSID then regenerate the WSBind file using the Web services Assistants and add the CCSID parameter. By default WSBind files are built to be compatible with US EBCDIC. CICS has detected that the LOCALCCSID is not compatible with US EBCDIC, so the WSBind file will have to be regenerated.

Check that if the WEBSERVICE represents an application in CICS that is going to implement a WebService then the PIPELINE is also configured in provider mode. Conversely, if the WEBSERVICE represents a WebService running on a remote server then the PIPELINE is configured in requester mode. Check that the PIPELINE has been installed without errors.

A provider mode WEBSERVICE is one for which a PROGRAM has been specified. A requester mode WEBSERVICE is one for which no PROGRAM has been specified. The PROGRAM name (if needed) must be specified at the time that the WSBind file is generated.

Discard and reinstall the WEBSERVICE.

If the problem persists you may need to use the trace facility to determine the cause of the problem.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. userid
  5. WebService
  6. Value chosen from the following options:



DFHPI0914E.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019