The SYSTR system initialization parameter specifies the setting of the master system trace flag.

Valid values are as follows:
The master trace flag is set, causing CICS to write trace entries of system activity for the individual CICS components. Trace entries are captured and written only for those components for which the trace level is 1 or greater, as specified on the STNTR or STNTRxx system initialization parameters. Entries are written only to those trace destinations that are active.
The master trace flag is unset, and no standard trace entries are captured, overriding any trace levels specified by the STNTR or STNTRxx system initialization parameters.
Note: Setting the master trace flag OFF affects only standard tracing and has no effect on special tracing, which is controlled separately by SPCTR or SPCTRxx trace levels and the CETR transaction.

See Using traces in problem determination for more information about controlling CICS trace.

dfha2_systr.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019