The PLTPIUSR system initialization parameter specifies the user ID that CICS® uses for security checking for PLT programs that run during CICS initialization.

All PLT programs run under the authority of the specified user ID, which must be authorized to all the resources referenced by the programs, as defined by the PLTPISEC parameter.

PLT programs are run under the CICS internal transaction, CPLT. Before the CPLT transaction is attached, CICS performs a surrogate user check against the CICS region userid (the userid under which the CICS region is executing). This is to ensure that the CICS region is authorized as a surrogate for the userid specified on the PLTPIUSR parameter. This ensures that you cannot arbitrarily specify any PLT userid in any CICS region; each PLT userid must first be authorized to the appropriate CICS region.

If you do not specify the PLTPIUSR parameter, CICS runs PLTPI programs under the authority of the CICS region userid, in which case CICS does not perform a surrogate user check. However, the CICS region userid must be authorized to all the resources referenced by the PLT programs.

Restriction: You can specify the PLTPIUSR parameter in the SIT, PARM, or SYSIN only.

dfha2_pltpiusr.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019