The MQCONN system initialization parameter specifies whether you want CICS® to start a connection to WebSphere® MQ automatically during initialization.

Do not automatically call DFHMQCOD, the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter program, during initialization.

Call the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter program, DFHMQCOD, automatically during CICS initialization. The MQCONN parameter always uses program DFHMQCOD to start the CICS-WebSphere MQ connection. It cannot be customized to use a user-supplied attach program of a different name.

When you specify MQCONN=YES, the information that CICS needs to start the connection to WebSphere MQ, such as the name of a WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group, is taken from the MQCONN resource definition for the CICS region.

An MQCONN resource definition must be installed before CICS can start the connection to WebSphere MQ. When you start the connection automatically at CICS initialization, for an initial or cold start, the MQCONN resource definition must be present in one of the groups named in the list or lists named by the GRPLIST system initialization parameter. For a warm or emergency start of CICS, the MQCONN resource definition must have been installed by the end of the previous CICS run.

When you specify MQCONN=YES, you do not need to define the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter program in the CICS post initialization program list table (PLT).

For more information about starting and customizing a connection to WebSphere MQ, see About the CICS-WebSphere MQ adapter.

dfha2_mqconn2.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019