The ICV system initialization parameter specifies the region exit time interval in milliseconds.

The ICV system initialization parameter specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that CICS® releases control to the operating system when there are no transactions ready to resume processing. This time interval can be any integer in the range 100 through 3600000 milliseconds (specifying an interval up to 60 minutes). A typical range of operation might be 100 through 2000 milliseconds.

A low value interval can enable much of the CICS nucleus to be retained in dynamic storage, and not be paged-out at times of low terminal activity. This reduces the amount of dynamic storage paging necessary for CICS to process terminal transactions (thus representing a potential reduction in response time), sometimes at the expense of concurrent batch region throughput.

Large networks with high terminal activity are inclined to run CICS without a need for this value, except to handle the occasional, but unpredictable, period of inactivity. These networks can usually function with a large interval (10000 to 3600000 milliseconds). After a task is initiated, the system recognizes its requests for terminal services and the completion of the services, and this maximum delay interval is overridden.

Small systems, or those with low terminal activity, are subject to paging introduced by other jobs running in competition with CICS. By specifying a low value interval, key portions of the CICS nucleus are referenced more frequently, thus reducing the probability of these pages being paged-out. However, the execution of the logic without performing productive work might be considered wasteful. The need to increase the probability of residency by frequent but unproductive referencing must be weighed against the overhead and response time degradation incurred by allowing the paging to occur. By increasing the interval size, less unproductive work is performed at the expense of performance if paging occurs during the periods of CICS activity.

For information about interval control parameters and performance, see Interval control value parameters: ICV, ICVR, and ICVTSD.

Note: The region exit time interval process contains a mechanism to ensure that CICS does not constantly set and cancel timers (thus degrading performance) while attempting to meet its objectives for a low region exit time interval. This mechanism can cause CICS to release control to the operating system for up to 0.5 seconds when the interval has been set at less than 250; and up to 0.25 seconds more than the region exit time interval when the interval has been set greater than 250.

dfha2_icv.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019