The FLDSTRT system initialization parameter specifies a single character to be the field-name-start character for free-form input for built-in functions.

FLDSTRT={' '|'x'}
The default is a blank. The character specified should not be part of a transaction identification; in particular, the use of alphabetic characters is not recommended.

The character specified in the FLDSTRT parameter must not be the same as any character specified in the FLDSEP parameter. This means that it is invalid to allow both parameters to take the default value.

Restrictions If you specify FLDSTRT in the SIT, the parameter must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

If you specify FLDSTRT as a PARM, SYSIN, or CONSOLE parameter, do not enclose the character in quotation marks, and the character you choose must not be a blank or any of the following characters:
(  )  '  = ,

dfha2_fldstrt.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019