Installing partition sets

You can install partition sets in the same way as physical map sets. There is no concept of a symbolic description partition set.

The job stream in Figure 1 is an example of the assembly and link-edit of partition sets.
Figure 1. Assembling and link-editing a partition set
//PREP     JOB  'accounting information',CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=1
//         SPACE=(2960,(10,10)),UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=(NEW,PASS)
//SYSIN    DD   *
      Macro statements defining the partition set
//         DD   *
           MODE RMODE(ANY|24)                                    2
           NAME partitionsetname(R)                              3


  1. A partition set is loaded into CICS®-key storage, unless it is link-edited with the RMODE(ANY) and RENT options. If it is link-edited with these options, it is loaded into key-0 protected storage, if RENTPGM=PROTECT is specified on the RENTPGM system initialization parameter.

    For more information about the storage protection facilities available in CICS, see Storage protection.

  2. The MODE statement specifies whether the partition set is to be loaded above (RMODE(ANY)) or below (RMODE(24)) the 16 MB line. RMODE(ANY) indicates that CICS can load the partition set anywhere in virtual storage, but tries to load it above the 16MB line, if possible.
  3. Use the NAME statement to specify the name of the partition set which BMS loads into storage. If the partition set is device-dependent, derive the partition set name by appending the device suffix to the original 1- to 7-character partition set name used in the application program. The suffixes that BMS appends for the various terminals depend on the parameter specified in the SUFFIX operand of the DFHPSD macro that defined the partition set.

    For programming information giving a complete list of partition-set suffixes, see LENGTH options in CICS commands .

To use a partition set, you must define and install a resource definition for it. You can do this either by using the program autoinstall function or by using the CEDA DEFINE PARTITIONSET and INSTALL commands, as described in CEDA DEFINE and CEDA INSTALL.

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