Defining programs, map sets, and partition sets to CICS

To be able to use a program that you have installed in one of the load libraries specified in your CICS® startup JCL, the program, and any map sets and partition sets that it uses, must be defined to CICS. To do this, CICS uses the resource definitions MAPSET (for map sets), PARTITIONSET (for partition sets), and PROGRAM (for programs).

About this task

You can create and install such resource definitions in any of the following ways:
  • CICS can dynamically create, install, and catalog a definition for the program, map set, or partition set when it is first loaded, by using the autoinstall for programs function.
  • You can create a specific resource definition for the program, map set, or partition set and install that resource definition in your CICS region.
    You can install resource definitions in either of the following ways:
    • At CICS initialization, by including the resource definition group in the group list specified on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter.
    • While CICS is running, by the CEDA INSTALL command.

For information about defining programs to CICS, see PROGRAM resource definitions .

dfhp3p1.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019