Running application programs in the read-only DSAs

Programs that are eligible to reside above 16 MB, and are read-only, can reside in the CICS® extended read-only DSA (ERDSA). Programs that are not eligible to reside above 16 MB, and are read-only, can reside in the CICS read-only DSA (RDSA) below 16 MB.

The following conditions apply for programs to be eligible for the ERDSA:
The following conditions apply for programs to be eligible for the RDSA:
Note: When you run CICS with RENTPGM=PROTECT specified as a system initialization parameter, the RDSAs are allocated from key-0 read-only storage.

ERDSA requirements for the specific languages are described in the following topics.

dfhp3_installprog_rdsa.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019