
Returns a vector containing the results of multiplying every second set of corresponding elements of the given vectors, beginning with the first element.


Elemental function

Argument type and attributes

An INTENT(IN) integer or unsigned vector whose elements are of kind 1, 2, or 4
An INTENT(IN) vector of the same type as ARG1

Result type and attributes

If ARG1 is an INTEGER(1) vector, the result is an INTEGER(2) vector.

If ARG1 is an INTEGER(2) vector, the result is an INTEGER(4) vector.

If ARG1 is an INTEGER(4) vector, the result is an INTEGER(8) vector.

If ARG1 is an UNSIGNED(1) vector, the result is an UNSIGNED(2) vector.

If ARG1 is an UNSIGNED(2) vector, the result is an UNSIGNED(4) vector.

Result value

Assume that the elements of each vector are numbered beginning with 0. For each element n of the result vector, the value is the product of the value of element 2n of ARG1 and the value of element 2n of ARG2.

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