Viewing the HTML documentation

The product documentation is available in a fully searchable HTML-based Knowledge Center.

The Knowledge Center is viewable on the web at You can also download a version of this information center containing the product documentation for IBM® XL C for AIX®, V13.1, IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V13.1 and IBM XL Fortran for AIX, V15.1. This information center can be installed on any AIX 6.1, or AIX 7.1 system running in 64-bit mode. It can be accessed with a web browser from the machine on which it is installed or from other computers on the same network.
  • You must have the root access to launch and shut down the information center.
  • Before you run the information center, you must ensure the machine is running in the 64–bit mode. It must display 64 when you run the following command:
    bootinfo -K
  • The compiler installation does not remove the information center installed from previous versions of the product. To remove the previously installed information center, run the following command:
    installp -u xlhelp.\*
  • The compressed information center package file is about 160 MB, and 220 MB when it is uncompressed.
Follow these steps to download the help system:
  1. Go to the XL C/C++ compiler library page at Download the information center package file XLHelp-v131-v151-AIX-64bit.tar.Z from the download link on this page.
  2. Extract the package on your machine. Run the following command to extract the files to a new directory at ./xlhelp:
    zcat XLHelp-v131-v151-AIX-64bit.tar.Z | tar -xf -
  3. Enter the new directory.
    cd ./xlhelp
  4. You can review the licence information in the following two files:
    • LicenseAgreement.pdf
    • LicenseInformation.pdf
  5. Start the information center by running the following command:
    ./xlhelp &
  6. You can access the information center either locally or remotely. You need to have a web browser installed on your machine to view the information center.
    • To access the information center locally, use this URL:
    • To access the information center remotely, use this URL:

      where machine_name is the name of the computer on which the Eclipse server has been launched.

  7. To stop the information center, run this command:
  8. To remove the information center, you must first stop the information center, and remove the extracted directory .xlhelp using the following command:
    rm -r ./xlhelp
Note: The downloaded information center does not contain the documentation for IBM Debugger for AIX, V13.1. You can access the debugger documentation, which consists of HTML online help and additional HTML documents, from its graphical user interface.