Utilization reporting tool command-line options

The utilization reporting tool command-line options control the generation of the compiler utilization report.

Use these command-line options to modify the details of your compiler utilization report.

-qreporttype=detail | maxconcurrent
Specifies the type of the usage report to generate.
  • detail specifies that all invocations of the compiler are listed in the usage report. With this suboption, you can get a detailed report, in which the invocations that have exceeded the allowed maximum number of concurrent users are indicated.
  • maxconcurrent specifies that only the compiler invocations that have exceeded the allowed maximum number of concurrent users are listed. With this suboption, you can get a compact report, which does not list those invocations within the maximum number of allowed concurrent users.
Note: The allowed maximum number of concurrent users is specified with the -qmaxconcurrentusers entry in the utilization tracking configuration file.

Default: -qreporttype=maxconcurrent.

-qrptmaxrecords=num | nomax

Specifies the maximum number of records to list in the report for each product. num must be a positive integer.

Default: -qrptmaxrecords=nomax, which means all the records are listed.


Specifies the location of the usage files for report generation or pruning. It can be a list of directories or file names, or both, separated by colons.

The following rules apply when you specify this option:
  • If one or more directories are specified, all files with the .cuf extension in those directories are used. Subdirectories can also be searched by using the -qmaxsubdirs option.
  • The path of the specified directory can be relative or absolute. Relative paths are relative to the compiler user's current working directory.
  • A symlink does not require the .cuf extension but the file to which it points must have that extension.
  • The -qusagefileloc entry in the utilization tracking configuration file tells the compiler which usage files to use for recording compiler utilization. This -qusagefileloc option tells the utilization reporting tool where to find those usage files.

Default: .:$HOME, which means the utilization reporting tool looks for usage files in your current working directory and your home directory.

-qmaxsubdirs=num | nomax

Specifies whether to search subdirectories for usage files, and how many levels of subdirectories to search. num must be a non-negative integer.

If nomax is specified, all the subdirectories are searched. If 0 is specified, no subdirectories are searched.

Default: 0.


Specifies the user defined configuration file that you want to use.

For more information about how the utilization reporting tool uses the configuration file, see Understanding the utilization reporting tool.

Note: If you specify this option multiple times, all specified instances are used.

Specifies different user accounts that belong to the same compiler user. Use this option when a user accesses the compiler from more than one user ID or machine to avoid having that user reported as multiple users. Invocations of the compiler by these different accounts are counted as a single user instead of multiple different users.

user_account_info can be any combination of the following items:
  • name(user_name)
  • uid(user_ID)
  • host(host_name)

There are two ways to pass these rules to the utilization reporting tool. You can supply specific lists of the user_names, user_IDs orhost_names that are shared by the same user or you can use a more generic (=) syntax.

For example, to indicate that user1 and user2 are both user names belonging to the same person who uses the compiler on the host1 machine, use the syntax in which you specify these user names and the host name explicitly:
-qsameuser="name(user1)host(host1) | name(user2)host(host1)"
-qsameuser="name(user1 user2)host(host1)"
Both of these examples use specific user names and host names to indicate accounts that belong to the same user, but they do so in slightly different ways. The first example uses a vertical bar to separate the different user accounts that belong to this user, while the second example uses a list of user names within the parentheses instead of repeating the same host information twice. They both convey the same account information, but the second example is more concise.
As an example of the more generic (=) syntax, you can indicate that all user accounts with the same user name and uid belong to the same user as follows:

With this option, you are not specifying specific user names or uids as you did in the previous example. User accounts that have the same user name and uid are considered as belonging to the same user, regardless of what the specific user names and uids are, and regardless of what the host name is. This establishes a general rule that applies to all accounts in your organization instead of specific ones.

The following rules apply when you specify this option:
  • Each instance of the -qsameuser option must use either the list or generic (=) syntax. You cannot combine them in the same instance of the option but you can use multiple instances of the -qsameuser option to refine the report.
  • The utilization reporting tool matches the user information based on the order that the -qsameuser option values are specified. Once it finds a match it stops matching the same user information against any subsequent options.

    The following examples illustrates the differences:
    • If you specify the -qsameuser option as follows:
      -qsameuser="name(user1)" -qsameuser="uid(=)"
      Specifying the -qsameuser option in this order means that user accounts with the user name user1 matches the first option and is not evaluated against the second option. User accounts user1 and user2 are not considered the same user even if they have the same uid.
    • If you specify the -qsameuser option as follows:
      -qsameuser="uid(=)" -qsameuser="name(user1)"
      Specifying the -qsameuser option in this order means that user accounts with the same uid are always considered to be the same user, and in addition, any user accounts with a user name of user1 should be considered belonging to the same user even if they do not match by uid.
Note: Specifying this option does not prevent user information from being listed in the usage report. For more information about concurrent users, see Concurrent user considerations.

Adjusts the time that have been recorded in the usage files for the specified machines. time_adjustments is a list of entries with the format of machine name + | - number of seconds, separated by colons.

The following rules apply when you use this option:
  • An entry of the form machine name + number of seconds causes the specified number of seconds to be added to the start and end times of any invocations recorded for the specified machine.
  • An entry of the form machine name - number of seconds causes the specified number of seconds to be subtracted from the start and end times of any invocations recorded for the specified machine.
For example:
Five seconds are added to the start and end times of the invocations on hostA, and three seconds are subtracted from the start and end times of the invocations on hostB.

Only use this option if the usage files contain utilization information from two or more machines, and time is not synchronized across those machines. The adjustments specified by this option compensate for the lack of synchronization

  • The specified adjustments are only used for the current run of the urt command. Specifying this option does not change the invocation information recorded in the usage files.
  • Do not specify the same machine name more than once with this option.
-qusagefilemaxage=number_of_days | nomax

Prunes the usage files by removing all invocations older than the specified number of days.

Every usage file specified by the -qusagefileloc option is pruned. The usage report contains this information to indicate the number of records that have been pruned.

Default: -qusagefilemaxage=nomax, which means no pruning is performed.

-qusagefilemaxsize=number_of_MB | nomax

Prunes the usage files to keep them under the specified size. It prunes the files by removing the oldest invocations.

Every usage file specified by the -qusagefileloc option is pruned. The usage report contains this information to indicate the number of records that have been pruned.

Default: -qusagefilemaxsize=nomax, which means no pruning is performed.

-qtimesort=ascend | descend
Specifies the chronological order in which the usage report information is sorted.
  • Specifying ascend means new information is listed after the older information.
  • Specifying descend means the newest information is at the top of the report.

Default: -qtimesort=ascend.