createDeploymentEnvDef command

Use the createDeploymentEnvDef command to specify a new deployment environment definition (with a specific name) for a particular feature and pattern. The XML document that results from running this command provides the definition of the deployment environment.

This command provides a command-line method to create a new deployment environment definition with all the default values based on an existing configuration. This command populates the database-specific values based on the common database configuration that you defined (or selected from an existing database design document) when you created the profile. For information on profile creation, see the documentation on Creating profiles.

After using the command, save your changes to the master configuration using one of the following commands:
  • For Jython:
  • For Jacl:
    $AdminConfig save

Required parameters

-topologyName name_of_topology
Specifies the name of the deployment environment you are creating.
-topologyPattern patternName
Specifies the topology pattern for your deployment manager.

Patterns have a direct relationship to the products supported by the configured deployment manager. IBM® Business Process Manager supports a specific set of patterns. Remote messaging and remote support is the pattern to employ for a network deployment production environment. If your deployment manager supports other products in addition to IBM Business Process Manager, the patterns for those products may apply. Consult product-specific documentation for information about patterns as they apply to the products. For more information about patterns, see the Planning documentation.

Valid values include the following:
  • SingleCluster

    This pattern combines the application deployment target, the messaging support, and additional support functions into a single server or cluster.

    This topic applies only to the z/OS platformThis pattern is the default for IBM Business Process Manager for z/OS. The single cluster topology pattern provides one cluster for all the functional components. The user applications, messaging infrastructure, CEI, and support applications are all configured in the same cluster.

    This pattern is supported in a multiproduct installation of IBM Business Monitor + IBM Business Process Manager + WebSphere® ESB.

  • RemoteMessaging

    This pattern separates the application deployment target cluster from the cluster providing the messaging support and additional support functions.

  • RemoteMessagingAndSupport

    This pattern separates the application deployment target cluster from the cluster providing the messaging support and the cluster providing additional support functions.

    This topic applies only to the Distributed platformsThis pattern is the default for IBM Business Process Manager for Multiplatforms. The remote messaging and remote support pattern separates messaging, the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI), application deployment target, and the application support functions into distinct clusters. Most businesses can use this pattern to support their deployment environments because it is designed for performance and isolation of transactional processing from messaging and other support functions.

  • RemoteMessagingSupportAndWeb

    This pattern is the default for a IBM Business Monitor installation.

    This pattern defines one cluster for application deployment, one remote cluster for the messaging infrastructure, one remote cluster for supporting applications (such as CEI) and one remote cluster for web application deployment (for web-based components such as Business Space, Business Process Choreographer Explorer, and Business Rules Manager.)

-topologyRuntime Comma separated runtimes for the Deployment environment
Specifies the processing capabilities of your deployment environment and, if applicable, the compatible runtime environment features.
Acceptable values include:
  • BPMAPC for an IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Process Center deployment manager
  • BPMAPS for an IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Process Server deployment manager
  • BPMSPC for an IBM Business Process Manager Standard Process Center deployment manager
  • BPMSPS for an IBM Business Process Manager Standard Process Server deployment manager
  • WESB for a WebSphere ESB deployment manager
  • WBM for an IBM Business Monitor deployment manager

If your deployment manager profile includes both a primary runtime environment and compatible runtime features, include the names of each, separated by a comma. For example, -topologyRuntime BPMSPS,WBM for an IBM Business Process Manager Process Server runtime and an IBM Business Monitor-compatible runtime.

Optional parameters

-dbDesign Comma separated database design files
Specifies the path to a database design document, which holds the database configuration for the topology you are creating.

If you include this parameter, the value must be the complete path name for the database design file. If you are importing more than one database design file, separate them with commas (,). For an installation that includes IBM Business Process Manager only, a single database design file would suffice. If your deployment manager supports multiple products (for example, IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Business Monitor) there would be a database design document for each product.

-propFile properties_file
Specifies the path to a properties file.

If you include this parameter, the value must be the complete path name for the properties file. If you specify both a database design file and a properties file, the database design file takes priority for all the database parameters.


Note: The examples are for illustrative purposes only. They include variable values and are not meant to be reused as snippets of code.
The following example uses createDeploymentEnvDef to create an environment definition for a remote messaging and remote support topology on IBM Business Process Manager. The example imports a database design document that supports the remote messaging and remote support topology.
  • Jython example:
    AdminTask.createDeploymentEnvDef ('[-topologyName topology1 
       -topologyPattern RemoteMessagingAndSupport 
       -topologyRuntime BPMSPS -dbDesign C:\dbDesigns\wps.nd.topology.dbDesign]')
  • Jacl example:
    $AdminTask createDeploymentEnvDef { -topologyName topology1 
       -topologyPattern RemoteMessagingAndSupport 
       -topologyRuntime BPMSPS -dbDesign C:\dbDesigns\wps.nd.topology.dbDesign}
The following example uses createDeploymentEnvDef to create an environment definition for a remote messaging and remote support topology, with IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Business Monitor runtimes and IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Business Monitor database configuration files.
  • Jython example:
    AdminTask.createDeploymentEnvDef ('[-topologyName topology1 
       -topologyPattern RemoteMessagingAndSupport -topologyRuntime BPMSPS,WBM 
       -dbDesign C:\dbDesigns\wps.nd.topology.dbDesign,C:\dbDesigns\monitor.nd.dbDesign]')
  • Jacl example:
    $AdminTask createDeploymentEnvDef { -topologyName topology1 
       -topologyPattern RemoteMessagingAndSupport -topologyRuntime BPMSPS,WBM 
       -dbDesign C:\dbDesigns\wps.nd.topology.dbDesign,C:\dbDesigns\monitor.nd.dbDesign}