configSCAAsyncRetryCount command

Use the configSCAAsyncRetryCount command to change asynchronous retry counts at run time.

The configSCAAsyncRetryCount command sets asynchronous retry counts for all service integration bus destinations that are created. The command targets all SCA modules in a server and overrides all retry settings that were created during the design phase.

After using the command, save your changes to the master configuration using one of the following commands:
  • For Jython:
  • For Jacl:
    $AdminConfig save

Required parameters

-serverName server_name
A parameter that identifies the server that you are updating. To configure a server, you must specify both a serverName and a nodeName.
-nodeName node_name
A parameter that specifies the node that the server belongs to. To configure a server, you must specify both a serverName and a nodeName.
-clusterName cluster_name
A parameter that specifies the cluster name. To configure a deployment target, you must specify a clusterName.
A parameter that identifies the retry count. The value must be a zero or a positive integer.

Optional parameters

-applicationName name_of_application
A parameter that identifies the application associated with a SCA module that you are updating. If you do not specify an application name, the command updates all applications with SCA modules in the specified server or cluster.


The following example uses configSCAAsyncRetryCount to change asynchronous retry counts at run time on a server.

Jacl example
$AdminTask configSCAAsyncRetryCount {-serverName My_Server
 -nodeName myNode -retryCount 3 
Jython example
AdminTask.configSCAAsyncRetryCount('[-serverName My_Server
 -nodeName myNode -retryCount 3]')