Validating process applications and toolkits

Use validation functions to fix errors and refine process applications and toolkits as you build them.

IBM® Process Designer includes client-side and server-side validation functions that alert you to issues in your process applications and toolkits. Validation provides feedback about the following types of issues:

IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2017.12One of the server-side validation functions that IBM Business Process Manager supports is JavaScript syntax validation in script activities and variable initialization in service flows and processes. This function validates JavaScript syntax when you import process applications or toolkits, or when you modify JavaScript code. JavaScript syntax validation checks changes that occur only after it is enabled. It doesn't work retroactively, meaning that existing snippets that are unchanged are not parsed after the function is enabled. For example, if you change some JavaScript code or import a process application or toolkit, JavaScript syntax validation checks only the changed scripts and imported process applications and toolkits but not unchanged scripts or process applications or toolkits. Server-side Javascript syntax validation is enabled by default. However, in case of performance issues, you might choose to turn it off. For more information, see Disabling server-side JavaScript syntax validation.

To view validation errors and warnings:
  • IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2017.12At the snapshot level: In the Process Center console, in the Process Apps or Toolkits tab, click the process application or toolkit, and under a snapshot, expand the errors and warnings section. IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2018.03Click the Open in Designer link to open the artifact with the error. The link is available only for those artifacts that can be edited in the web Process Designer. For more information see Where to edit Process Designer artifacts.
  • At the artifact or project level: IBM BPM version 8.6.0 cumulative fix 2018.03In the Process Designer footer, click Validation errors and warnings The image shows the Validation errors and warnings icon in the Process Designer footer..