Converting deprecated coach views into responsive coach views

For a process application or toolkit that you import from an IBM® BPM version earlier than V8.5.7.0, you might want to convert the deprecated coach views in the artifacts that belong to the process application or toolkit into responsive coach views.

Before you begin

Because the conversion triggers immediate model updates, take a snapshot (Take a snapshot icon) of your process application or toolkit before you proceed with the conversion.

Because you are converting to the new responsive coach views in the Responsive Coaches or Content Management toolkits, you must add a dependency on the System Data V8.5.7.0 toolkit or a toolkit or process application that has a theme. The responsive coach views require theme definitions. The BPM Theme in the System Data toolkit provides these theme definitions and it is the default theme for new process applications.

About this task

Start the conversion process at the application or toolkit level. During the conversion, you replace all the deprecated, Dojo-based coach views with responsive, AngularJS-based coach views. For the mapping between the deprecated functions to their equivalent responsive functions after conversion, see Mapping deprecated functions to responsive functions.

For more information about the conversion and how it works, see Conversion of deprecations in imported process applications and toolkits.


To convert the deprecated coach views in the selected artifacts into responsive coach views, complete the following steps:

Important: Complete the following procedure in the web Process Designer.

  1. Open the appropriate process application or toolkit in the Designer view.
  2. In the library, under Toolkits, check whether the process application or toolkit depends either on the deprecated Coaches toolkit or on the Content Management toolkit. If a dependency on the Coaches toolkit exists, the Conversion UI tab becomes available in the Process App Settings page. The Conversion UI tab is always available if there is a dependency on the Content Management toolkit.
  3. Click the Conversion UI tab.
  4. Optional: If you're using an earlier version of the System Data toolkit, upgrade to the latest toolkit version to be able to access the theme definitions that are required by the responsive coach views.
  5. Under Toolkit Dependencies, open the first toolkit dependency and complete the following steps:
    1. If the toolkit has more dependencies, drill through its hierarchy of dependencies to the last toolkit that does not have non-system toolkit dependencies and start the conversion from there.
    2. Check whether a converted version of a dependency toolkit exists. If a converted version of the dependency exists, skip the substeps c - g and update the version of your toolkit to the converted version. If a converted version does not exist, complete the following substeps.
    3. Under Artifacts Using Deprecated Coach Views, select all the artifacts that have deprecated coach views to be converted into responsive coach views, and click Convert.
    4. When the conversion is complete, test the results in the artifacts and make adjustments where necessary. For example, you can test whether each artifact runs successfully and its layout is correct, update the custom JavaScript and CSS, or customize the responsive coach views if needed. Retest the artifacts to ensure that they work as you expected.
    5. Optional: Click Refresh (Refresh) to make sure that there are no artifacts or dependencies left to convert for this toolkit.
    6. Take a snapshot of the toolkit.
    7. Move up one level and change the toolkit version to the snapshot version. Updating the version removes the dependency from the list of dependencies for its parent.
  6. Repeat step 5 with all its substeps for all the toolkit dependencies in the hierarchy, one dependency at a time, until both the artifacts and toolkit dependencies lists for each toolkit are empty.
  7. In the Conversion UI tab for your application, select all the artifacts whose deprecated coach views you want to convert, and convert them into responsive coach views. The list can include artifacts such as coach views that have dependencies on other deprecated coach views, heritage human services, and client-side human services earlier than V8.5.7.0.
  8. After the conversion completes, review the artifacts that contain converted coach views to verify the results of the conversion. You can also make adjustments where necessary (see step 5d).
  9. Optional: Click Refresh to make sure that the list of artifacts contains no more dependencies. All the artifacts in the process application or toolkit are now mobile-ready and suitable for use on multiple device types.
  10. (For the Coaches toolkit only) From the library, under Toolkits, remove the dependency on the Coaches toolkit. The dependency on the Content Management toolkit is automatically upgraded.