Building a General System service in the desktop Process Designer (deprecated)

Use General System services when you want to orchestrate other background services, manipulate variable data, generate HTML for a Coach, or perform some other actions that do not require any integrations or business rules.

Before you begin

To build a General System service, you must be in the IBM® Process Designer desktop editor.

General system services are likely to be called directly from a BPD or from a Human Service. General System services can include only basic service components, such as scripts, and cannot contain Coaches or integration steps (Web Service integration, Java integration, or Content integration). General System services can be nested within any other type of service.


To create a General System service, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
  2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
  3. Click the plus sign next to Implementation, and then click General System Service.
  4. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish. IBM Process Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and End Event components.
  5. If you do not want to automatically synchronize shared business objects that are inputs to this service when the business object is changed in other instances, in the Overview tab, clear the Automatically sync shared business objects option.
    Important: Nested services inherit the synchronization behavior of the starting service. In addition, if you have a service that runs custom logic and then explicitly saves your shared business objects, always clear the automatic synchronization option. Otherwise, the shared business object is automatically saved and the code in your service will not run.