Text control (deprecated)

This control displays editable text in a field.

Tip: The deprecated Text control is replaced with the responsive Text control in the Responsive Coaches toolkit. See Text control.
When you add a Text control to a coach or coach view, it has default values. At design time, its appearance depends on how you using: Process Designer.
Process Designer desktop editor Process Designer web editor
Text control
Text control
Remember: This control stretches horizontally to occupy the space available to it.

Restrictions and limitations


Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 1. Text control data binding
Binding description Data type
Contains the text that this control displays. The String can be empty and the Text control saves the text that the user enters into it. String

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 2. Image control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Enable Autocompletion Sets whether the field displays suggestions based on what the user types. You must specify an autocompletion service if you enable autocompletion.

The default value is not selected (False).

Autocompletion Service Specifiy the service that provides type-ahead content assistance. IBM® BPM provides the default autocompletion service to show the API for this service. You must provide your own service implementation. Service
  • Input: text(String)
  • Output: results(String)(List)
Autocompletion Delay Sets the number of milliseconds to wait following the last keystroke before sending the input text to the autocompletion service.

The default value is 1000.

Validation Sets the JavaScript regular expression used to validate what the user entered in the field. Enter the pattern portion of the JavaScript regular expression as a string. For example, use\d* to validate against zero or more digits. If you set this field to a string variable instead, surround the content in the variable with quotation marks and use escape characters where necessary. For example, use"\\d*" to validate against zero or more digits. String