Table control (deprecated)

This control creates a table in which you can drop content. Each element that you add to the table results in a column. Users see the label for the element as the heading for that column instead of seeing the label on the element itself.

Tip: The deprecated Table control is replaced with the responsive Table control in the Responsive Coaches toolkit. See Table control.

At run time, labels are visible only when the table is contained within a table or a tab.

Restrictions and limitations


Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 1. Table control data binding
Binding description Data type
Contains a list of business objects of any type ANY (List)

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 2. Table control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Selection Type Select whether the user can select rows in the table:
  • Single Selection the user can select only a single row. This is the default value.
  • Multiple Selection the user can select one or more rows
  • No Selection the user cannot select any rows
Disable Click-to-Edit Select this option if you want the entire table to be editable without requiring the user to click individual cells to edit them. The default value is not selected (False).
Important: When this setting is not selected, the Coach Views contained within the table use the visibility settings of the table. That is, the Coach Views in a given cell are READONLY until the user clicks in the cell. The Coach Views are then EDITABLE until the user clicks anywhere outside of the cell. The Coach Views revert to being READONLY. When this setting is true, these Coach Views use their own visibility settings, which might or might not be EDITABLE.
Set Editable Columns Set this option to specify which columns are editable without requiring the user to click individual cells to edit them. Use a comma-separated list to specify the columns. For example, 1,3 makes the first and third columns directly editable. String
Show Add Button Select this option if you want the table to include a button that a user can click to add a row to the table.

The default value is not selected (False).

Show Delete Buttons Select this option if you want the table to include a button in each row that a user can click to delete that row.

The default value is not selected (False).

Add Button Hover Text Provide the hover text for the Add button. The default value is Add. String
Delete Button Hover Text Provide the hover text for the Delete button. The default value is Delete. String
Disable Sorting Select this option if you want to prevent the user from sorting the table.

The default value is not selected (False).

Enable Pagination Select this option if you want the table to use multiple pages when the number of rows exceeds the value in the Number of Rows Per Page configuration option.

The default value is not selected (False).

Number of Rows Per Page Set the maximum number of rows that users can see in the table. If you enable pagination, users can use the page controls to see additional rows in other pages.

The default value is 10.

Initial Width Set the initial width of the table. Include the unit type such as 250px. The default width of a table is 700px.
Tip: If you use a CSS style to set the width of the table using a percent (%) value, ensure that somewhere in the DOM parent hierarchy of the tab there is an explicit value for the width.
Column Widths Set the widths of each column using a comma-separated list of integers. The default value is to have all of the columns with the same width. String
Column Width Unit Set the measuring unit for the value in the Column Widths configuration option using .css units (% in cm mm em ex pt pc px). For example, you can set the column width to 150px or 25% or 100em.

The default value is %.

Hide Columns Set this option to hide specific columns. Use a comma-separated list to specify the columns. For example, 1,3 hides the first and third columns. String
Skip Column Label Visibility Set this option to identify the columns that do not have their label visibility set by the table. Use a comma-separated list to specify these columns. For example 1,3 does not alter label visibility of the first and third columns. String