Check Box control (deprecated)

This control creates a selection instance that a user can set to true or false. The selection can be a check box, a set of two radio buttons, or slider.

Tip: The deprecated Check Box control is replaced with the responsive Check Box control in the Responsive Coaches toolkit. See Check Box control.
When you add a Check box control to a coach or coach view, it has default values. At design time, its appearance depends on whether you are using the web editor or the desktop editor in Process Designer.
Process Designer desktop editor Process Designer web editor
Check Box control
Check Box control

Restrictions and limitations


Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 1. Check box control data binding
Binding description Data type
Records the state of the instance, such as selected or not selected if the selection instance is a check box. Boolean

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Screen size
A configuration property that has the Screen Sizes icon The Screen Sizes icon beside the property name can have different values for each screen size. If you do not set a value, the screen size inherits the value of the next larger screen size as its default value. If you are using the Process Designer desktop editor, you are setting the value for the large screen size. The other screen sizes inherit this value.
Table 2. Check box control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Show Asscreen sizes icon Select whether the selection instance is a check box, a set of two radio buttons, or a slider.

The default value is Checkbox.

True Labelscreen sizes icon Set the text for the "true" choice. The default text is "Yes". String
False Labelscreen sizes icon Set the text for the "false" choice. The default text is "No". String