Document List control

Use the Document List control to display a list of documents that are found by a CMIS query in the document repository.

Integrating with an Enterprise Content Management server

Assuming that they have the appropriate permissions, users can add new documents. From the actions column, user can select an action to perform on the document. You can set configuration options so that users can create new documents, update existing documents, view the revisions made to the document, and delete the document.
Table 1. Document actions
Action Description
View Displays the contents of the document in the browser or, if the browser does not support the file format, downloads the document.
Update Replaces the file contents and updates its properties.
Revisions Shows the versions of the document.
Delete Removes the document.

To integrate the Document List with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server, the process application must have a connection to that server. See Adding an Enterprise Content Management server. For information about building ECM services, see Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or an IBM BPM store. For additional information, see the topics under Enabling document support.

Restrictions and limitations


Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 2. Document List control data binding
Binding description Data type
Each ECMDocumentInfo contains the URL for the document. ECMDocumentInfo (List)

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 3. Image stock control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Collapsible Indicates whether the section can be collapsed. Boolean
Collapsed Indicates whether the section is collapsed when the view opens. Boolean
Allow create Select this option to allow users to add a document to the Enterprise Content Management document repository. The default value is false. Boolean
Allow update Select this option to allow users to update document content and properties. The default value is false. Boolean
Allow delete Select this option to allow users to delete a document from the Enterprise Content Management document repository. The default value is false.

If you enable this option, ensure that you also specify the service that deletes the documents in the ECM delete document service option.

Open in new window Select this option to open the document in a new browser window. The default value is false. Boolean
Refresh trigger Enables the contents of the control to be refreshed. Bind this property to the private variable that is used by the Refresh Controller control, the Refresh Button controls, or both controls.

When the value of the bound variable changes to true, the view is refreshed. After the view is refreshed, the value of the variable returns to false.

If this configuration is bound to a variable, the Refresh button provided by the Document List control is hidden.

refreshTrigger (Boolean)

Default: False (no refresh pending)

Seach results per page Set the maximum number of documents in a search result that the user can see in the list at any one time. The default value is 10. Integer
Show all search results Select this option to show all documents. The Number of results to show sets the maximum number of documents in the list.

Clear this option to show the documents in a series of pages if the search result returns more than Number of results to show documents.

The default value is false.
Default ECM document properties Select a variable that is a list of ECMDefaultProperty objects. When users create an ECM document, the list contains the default values for the document properties. The values might be read-only or hidden from users when they create the document. ECMDefaultProperty (list)
Configure for use with Specify whether the control is listing ECM Documents or BPM Documents. The control then uses the options in the BPM document options group or the ECM document options group. DocumentSelection
BPM document options If you selected BPM Documents in the Configure for use with drop-down list, you can specify the options in the BPM document options group. (The ECM document options group is ignored.) BPMDocumentOptions
BPM document options > Display options The display options are used to filter the documents that are displayed in the Document List. BPMDocumentDisplayOptions
BPM document options > Display options > Associated with process instance If not selected, shows all documents that meet the criteria. If selected, shows only those documents that were created during the run of the BPD. The HS needs to be in a task activity implementation within a BPD and run from there. The default value is false. Boolean
BPM document options > Display optionsDisplay match rule The Display match rule configuration option is used to search for documents based on properties that match in the documents. There are three values:

None - Displays a list of all documents regardless of the matching properties that are specified.

Any - Displays a list of those documents that match any of the specified properties.

All - Displays a list of those documents that match all of the specified properties.

BPM document options > Display options > Display properties The name/value pairs that are associated with the documents for which you are searching. NameValuePair (List)
BPM document options > Display options > Display properties > Name Define a name for a display property. String
BPM document options > Display options > Display properties > Value Define a value for the display property. String
BPM document options > Upload options The upload options are used to specify an upload name for a document and to specify the properties that you want to associate with the uploaded document. These options are only applicable when Allow create is also selected. The fully qualified path should start with a slash (/), which signifies the root of the ECM system. BPMDocumentUploadOptions
BPM document options > Upload options > Default upload name The default name of the document that you want to create. String
BPM document options > Upload options > User editable Select this to edit the name of the document in the Create Document dialog box. The default value is false. Boolean
BPM document options > Upload options > Add properties Select this to add the properties specified in the Upload Properties table to the document. The default value is false. If you want to control when the properties are added to the document, bind this configuration option to a variable. Boolean
BPM document options > Upload options > Upload properties Specify the properties that you want to associate with the document (if you have selected the Add Properties check box). NameValuePair(List)
BPM document options > Upload options > Upload properties > Name Define a name for the upload property. String
BPM document options > Upload options > Upload properties > Value Define a value for the upload property. String
BPM document options > Upload options > Hide in Portal Prevents the document from being displayed in the Document List. The default value is false. Boolean
ECM document options If you selected ECM Documents in the Configure for use with drop-down list, you can the options in the ECM document options group are used and the options in the BPM document options group are ignored. CMISDocumentOptions
ECM document options > Parent folder path Sets the fully qualified path to the parent folder in the ECM system where users create or upload documents. This option is only applicable when Allow create is also selected. The fully qualified path should start with a slash (/), which signifies the root of the Enterprise Content Management system. String
ECM document options > CMIS query A string of text containing the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) query. For additional information about CMIS queries, see the "Query" section of the CMIS specification. If a query is specified, it is passed to the associated search service where it can be used in the data mapping. String
Search (user implementation required for ECM documents) Specify the service used to search for documents in the Enterprise Content Management document repository.
Important: If the Configure for use with option is set to ECM documents, you must provide a service. Use the Default ECM Search Service Ajax service provided in the Content Management (SYSCM) toolkit as a template. The default service shows an example of the expected input and output definition.
  • maxItems(Integer)
  • skipCount(Integer)
  • searchAllVersions(Boolean)
  • cmisQuery (String)
  • useBPMDocuments (String)
  • searchResult(ECMSearchResult)
Get all document versions Specify the service used to get all versions of a specific document in the Enterprise Content Management document repository. Service
  • versionSeriesId(ECMID)
  • serverName(String)
  • documents(ECMDocument)(List)
ECM delete document service If you enable the allow delete configuration option, specify the service used to delete documents. Service
  • documentId(ECMID)
  • serverName(String)
  • allVersions(Boolean)
Get document Specify the service used to get a specific document in the Enterprise Content Management document repository. Service
  • documentId(ECMID)
  • serverName(String)
  • documents(ECMDocument)
Get type definition Specify the service used to get the type metadata of a document or folder in the Enterprise Content Management document repository. Service
  • objectTypeId(ECMID)
  • serverName(String)
  • typeDefinition(ECMObjectTypeDefinition)
Get type descendants Specify the service used to get the descendants of a type in the Enterprise Content Management document repository. Service
  • objectTypeId(ECMID)
  • serverName(String)
  • depth(Integer)
  • includePropertyDefinitions(Boolean)
  • typeDefinitions(ECMObjectTypeDefinition)
Localization service The service that is used to retrieve the globalized strings for use with this coach view. ECM Localization Service
Calendar type Select the type of calendar to show when creating or showing documents:
  • Gregorian (default)
  • Hebrew
  • Islamic
Style > Theme color type Set the color of the header and border according to a type defined in the theme. In the BPM Theme in the System Data toolkit, the colors and types are:
  • Dark blue for primary (default)
  • White for alternate
  • Light blue for info
  • Green for success
  • Yellow for warning
  • Red for alert
Style > Header text size Set the size of the text in the header and the amount of padding between the text and the borders of the header. The default value is Medium. TextSizes
Style > Text size Set the size of the text in the control. The default value is Medium. TextSizes