This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Administering IBM Case Manager tasks

IBM® Case Manager tasks integrate with BPEL processes through a web service. After you deploy the web service module for a case management task to a production server, you use the Process Server administrative console to make changes to the module properties.

Before you begin

You must have deployed the web service module to Process Server.

About this task

The topics in this section provide considerations for using security and policy sets for IBM Case Manager cases.
Important: A key post-deployment task is to communicate the address of the service to the Case Manager developer. For example, if you move the service from one server to another, you need to make the change known so that the case management task can use the correct address when invoking the service.
  • For general information on providing clients with a description of a web service, see "Making deployed web services applications available to clients".
  • For information on the PEPartnerLink item attribute, which is used to specify the endpoint address in FileNet® P8, see "Deployment configuration formats" in the FileNet P8 Information Center.