Setting the target for a UCA message event

While you are configuring an undercover agent (UCA) message event in a business process definition (BPD) or configuring an Invoke UCA step in a service to use a message event, you can exercise some control over which snapshots use the event. You can override the default target by selecting a check box in the implementation settings for the UCA that carries the event.

You can include an intermediate message event in your BPD when you want to model a message event that is sent or received while a process is running, or you can use a start event to receive a message event or use an end event to send a message event.

The default behavior for intermediate incoming message events is that they are received by all snapshots in all process applications that refer to the undercover agent and that have event message properties that match the correlation values.

For start message events, the default behavior is that they are used on the tip in Process Center and in the default snapshot on IBM® Process Server.

To change that default behavior, select the check box labeled Target the snapshot of the installed process application that contains this BPD or Target the snapshot of the installed process application that contains this service. (The label depends on your context.) You encounter the check box when you are configuring the undercover agent for a message event. If you select the check box, at run time start message events are targeted in the same snapshot of the process application that contains the BPD or the service that sends the message event. If the BPD or the service of the sending message event is in a toolkit, the snapshot of the process application (which is the root container) is used.

When the check box is selected, you are limiting the responding listener to the start message event and to the intermediate incoming message events in that specific process application snapshot.