Combining monitor models

You might want to build a monitor model that monitors more than one application at a time, by combining two monitor models that were generated from different applications.

About this task

When you combine models, you can replace one of the two original monitor models or create a separate, third monitor model. The result is a single monitor model that contains top-level monitoring contexts from each of the source models, as well as correctly combined key performance indicator (KPI) models, dimensional models, visual models, and event models.

You can also combine high-level and low-level monitor models to reduce processor usage, although they will still have separate monitoring contexts and will still need to communicate through events.

To combine two monitor models, complete the following steps:


  1. Select the two monitor models in the Project Explorer view, right-click, and click Combine Monitor Models.
  2. Select whether you want to save the new combined monitor model by overwriting one of the existing monitor models or by creating a new monitor model. If you choose to create a new monitor model, select the location from the tree and type a name for the new model.
  3. If you are combining monitor models from different projects and if either of the monitor models references other projects, for example to use event definitions, you must update the project that contains the final, combined monitor model to reference the required projects. Right-click the project in the Project Explorer view and select Associate Projects. Select the projects to reference and click OK.


The result is a single monitor model with the top-level monitoring contexts from both monitor models. The root monitor model ID and display name depend on the options that you chose. Name conflicts are handled in the following way:
  • If there is a conflict in the IDs of top-level monitoring contexts, KPI contexts, or cubes, one of the duplicate copies is renamed and all references to that copy are changed accordingly.
  • If there is a conflict in a root namespace prefix declaration in which the same prefix is used for two different namespace unique resource identifiers (URIs), one of the prefixes is renamed and all references to that prefix are changed accordingly.