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Hiring Sample Overview

The Hiring Sample is included with Process Center. The sample introduces the features of Process Designer by showing you how to run a sample process.

Important: Do not use this sample application to test instance migration between major versions of the product. To test migration of instances, use your own applications and instance data to determine if tasks, instances, and coaches will work as expected after migration.

The story: Standard HR Open New Position process

The Hiring Sample process application includes a process that is called Standard HR Open New Position, which captures the steps and decision points for submitting and processing a request to fill a position. The following process diagram models the following workflows:
  • A hiring manager submits a requisition either to fill a new position or to replace a departing employee in an existing position.
  • The hiring manager determines the position requirements and prepares a requisition for submission to the Human Resources (HR) department.
  • If the request is to fill an existing position, the requisition is routed directly from the hiring manager to HR, which can then search for job candidates.
  • If the request is to fill a new position, the requisition is routed to the General Manager (GM) for approval. The GM evaluates the requisition and either approves it or rejects it.
  • If the GM approves the requisition, it is routed to HR, which can then search for job candidates.
  • If the GM rejects the requisition, the hiring manager is notified and the requisition is terminated.
The Standard HR Open Position process model in the Designer view of Process Designer. The workflow shown in this screen capture is described in the preceding bulleted list.
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