Creating a deployment manager and managed-node profiles with the BPMConfig command

You can use the BPMConfig command to create the deployment manager and managed node profiles separately from creating the deployment environment.

Before you begin

If you have an existing WebSphere® Application Server profile that you want to augment, you must use the manageprofiles command-line utility instead.


To create the deployment manager and managed node profiles separately from creating the deployment environment, complete the following steps.

  1. On the computer where you want to create the profiles, locate the appropriate sample properties file: install_root/BPM/samples/config.
  2. Find the sample properties file that most closely represents your target deployment environment and make a copy of this file.

    For more information about the sample configuration files, refer to Configuration properties for the BPMConfig command.

  3. Modify your version of the properties file so that the values correspond to your own configuration.
    All of the deployment environment properties (cell name, node name, host name) in the properties file must match exactly the values you will use later to create the deployment environment with the Deployment Environment wizard.
    Note: Your modified properties file must use UTF-8 encoding.
    To create a deployment manager profile, you must specify the following minimum set of properties for the profile that you are creating:
    • bpm.dmgr.hostname=
    • bpm.dmgr.installPath=
    • bpm.cell.authenticationAlias.1.user=
    • bpm.cell.authenticationAlias.1.password=
    The bpm.cell.authenticationAlias.1.user and bpm.cell.authenticationAlias.1.password properties are used to create the WebSphere Application Server primary admin user, which is the user for the IBM BPM CellAdmin role.
    It is also recommended that you set values for:
    • bpm.dmgr.nodeName=
    • bpm.dmgr.profileName=
    To create a managed node profile, you must specify the following minimum set of properties for the profile that you are creating:
    • bpm.dmgr.soapPort=
    • bpm.node.#.hostname=
    • bpm.node.#.installPath=
    It is recommended that you also set:
    • bpm.node.#.nodeName=
    • bpm.node.#.profileName=

    The bpm.dmgr.soapPort property must be set to the actual value of the deployment manager SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS endpoint. This property is not used during deployment manager profile creation. It is read during profile creation for managed nodes, and together with the bpm.dmgr.hostname property, it identifies the deployment manager that manages the node profile. If the deployment manager resides on the computer where the BPMConfig command is invoked, then the command will run successfully even when this property is set incorrectly. A warning regarding the incorrect setting will appear in the log files. Before using this same property file to run the BPMConfig command on other computers, check the log files to ensure that there are no warnings about incorrect settings for SOAP port numbers.

    Do not add any custom properties to this file when you perform your modifications or the BPMConfig command will fail when it is run.

    If you need to use a backslash character (\) in your properties file, for example when specifying path names or passwords, you must use an escape backslash before it, for example bpm.dmgr.installPath=c:\\IBM\\BPM85.

    For more information about the available properties, read the comments in the sample files, or see the BPMConfig command-line utility and the sample property file descriptions in Configuration properties for the BPMConfig command.

  4. Run the BPMConfig command on the computer that has the deployment manager, passing it the name of the properties file you created. For example:
    install_root/bin/BPMConfig -create -profile 

What to do next

Important: Run the BPMConfig command with the same properties file on all computers that will participate in the deployment environment. You must first run the command on the computer that has the deployment manager profile and then run it on each computer that has a managed node. At any given time, only one profile creation can be performed on a computer and only one node federation can be performed against a particular deployment manager. For this reason, if you are creating multiple profiles at once on different computers, you must use the federateLater option of the BPMConfig command when creating the managed node profiles and then run the command with the -create -de option sequentially on each computer to federate the managed nodes.