Creating users for Oracle databases

You must create the users for Oracle databases before you install IBM® Business Process Manager. Create the cell-scoped user, the deployment environment-level user, the Process Server user, and the Performance Data Warehouse user. The Process Server user and the Performance Data Warehouse user are not needed for an Advanced-only deployment environment.

Before you begin

Before you install your system in Oracle database, ensure that the minimum initial settings in the following table are met for IBM BPM database schema users:
Table 1. Minimum initial settings for BPM database schema users
Tuning item Minimum memory for initial settings (MB)
Buffer cache 2048
Shared pool size 1024
Note: You might want to enlarge the memory for the preceding settings depending on the capacity of your BPM system. For more tuning details, consult your database administrator.

About this task

The default database names are BPMDB for the Process database, PDWDB for the Performance Data Warehouse database, and CMNDB for the Common database. In the case of an Advanced or Advanced-only deployment environment, the Common database has two parts: one is scoped to the cell and the other is scoped to the deployment environment. Both parts can be defined to use CMNDB (which is the default) or they can use separate databases.

You can use a single instance of Oracle for configuring IBM Business Process Manager. The Oracle instance must exist and be available for access. Consult the Oracle documentation to create an Oracle instance. If you use a single Oracle instance, make sure that you use different user IDs for the three different IBM Business Process Manager databases.


Use one of the following methods to create each database user that you require: