BPMMigrate troubleshooting

This command imports the migration snapshot. If you see an exception when you run this command, you can diagnose the problem by changing the log level to FINEST and running the command again.

Change the log level to FINEST as described in "Troubleshooting migration." After you run the command again, check the log file named BPMMigrate_timestamp.log. The file is found in snapshot_folder/logs/. If you cannot find the cause of the problem, you can provide the log to IBM support.

For the scheduler migration, the BPMMigrate command runs the AdminTask that is registered during server startup and uses the scheduler service to re-create each scheduler task. The trace for the AdminTask is saved in snapshot_folder/logs/. The log for the scheduler migration is saved on one of the active nodes, in BPM_home_8.5/profiles/custom_profile/logs. Collect both the trace file and the log file for analysis if an exception occurs.

Make sure that the messaging engine is started before you run BPMMigrate. Otherwise, the command fails when it tries to migrate the service integration bus messages.