This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Use case: recovering data from failed events

A use case provides a context for a recovery scenario. In the use case, a business has an application that receives a request to create a new Account.

The solution consists of multiple modules as recommended through module best practices.

The first module mediates the request and delegates work to an Account Creation process. In the Figure 1 we have implemented the solution as separate modules where the request is passed between the mediation module (AccountRouting) and the processing module (AccountCreation) via an SCA import/export. See the following screen capture for an illustration of the two modules.

Figure 1. Assembly diagram of account routing process
A request is passed between the mediation module (AccountRouting) and the processing module (AccountCreation) from the SCA import to the SCA export.

From the assembly diagram shown in Figure 1, you can begin to see at what locations in the flow that failures might occur. Any of the invocation points in the assembly diagram can propagate or involve a transaction. There are a few areas in the flow where data will collect as a result of application or system failures.

In general, transaction boundaries are created and managed by the interaction (synchronous and asynchronous) between components and import/export bindings and their associated qualifiers. Business data accumulates in specific recovery locations most often due to transaction failure, deadlock or rollback.

Transaction capabilities within WebSphere® Application Server help IBM® Business Process Manager enlist transactions with service providers. These enlisted interactions are particularly important to understand with respect to import and export bindings. Understanding how imports and exports are used within your specific business cases is important in determining where events in need of recovery accumulate.

An error handling strategy should define interaction patterns, transactions used, and import and export usage before developing the application. The solution architect should identify the preferences to use, and the guidelines that are then used as the application is created. For example, the architect needs to understand when to use synchronous compared to asynchronous calls, when to use BPEL fault handling and so forth. The architect must know whether or not all services can participate in transactions, and for those services that cannot participate, how to handle compensation if problems are encountered.

Additionally, the application shown in the assembly diagram in Figure 1 uses connectivity groups and module development best practices. By leveraging this pattern we now have the ability to stop the inbound flow of new events by stopping the AccountRouting module.

The following sections address the location of business data in the case of failure and recovery.

Business Flow Manager or Human Task Manager

In our business case, we use a BPEL process for AccountCreation process.

With regard to recovery, there are a some questions you must ask yourself with respect to BPEL and human task management:
  1. What type of process is being run (short running or long running, business state machine, human task) ?

    Short running processes are known as microflows.

  2. Is the process developed properly and using fault handling to promote data integrity?
  3. How are the invocation patterns and unit of work properties configured to predict and control transaction boundaries?

Knowing the answers to these questions will affect your recovery strategy for invocations 7 and 8 shown in the assembly diagram, as highlighted in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Assembly diagram of account routing - invocations 7 and 8
Screen capture shows the assembly diagram with invocations 7 and 8 highlighted.

Stateful components, such as long-running BPEL processes and business state machines, involve many database transactions where process activity changes and state changes are committed to the database. The work progresses by updating the database and placing a message on an internal queue that describes what is to be done next.

If there are problems processing messages that are internal to the Business Flow Manager, these messages are moved to a Retention Queue. The system attempts to continue to process messages. If a subsequent message is successfully processed, the messages on the retention queue are resubmitted for processing. If the same message is placed on the retention queue five times, it is then placed on the hold queue.

Additional information about viewing the number of messages and replaying messages can be found in Replaying Messages from the Retention Queue / Hold Queue.

Failed event manager

The failed event manager is used to replay events or service invocation requests that are made asynchronously between most component types.

Failed events are created if the AccountRouting component makes an asynchronous call to the SCA Import binding AccountCreationSCAImport and a ServiceRuntimeException is returned.

Failed events are not generated in most cases where a long running BPEL process is the client in the service interaction. This means that the invocation for 7 and 8 (as shown in Figure 2) will not typically result in a failed event. BPEL provides fault handlers and other ways to model for failure. For this reason, if there is a ServiceRuntimeException (SRE) failure calling "JDBCOutboundInterface", the SRE is returned to the BPEL for processing. The error handling strategy for the project should define how runtime exceptions are consistently handled in BPEL.

However, failed events are created for asynchronous response message for the BPEL client if these messages cannot be delivered to the process instance due to an infrastructure failure.

When mediation Service Invoke or Callout primitives are making an asynchronous invocation, retry behavior is defined by the primitive and overrides any asynchronous behavior from the destination. Failed events go to the failed event manager if the fail terminal on the primitive is not wired.

The following diagram illustrates how the failed event manager component works. Descriptions of the processing associated with each numbered step are provided in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Failed event manager processing
Diagram of failed event manager processing. The diagram is numbered and the numbered steps are provided in a list following the diagram.

Failed event manager processing

  1. The source component makes a call using an asynchronous invocation pattern
  2. The SCA MDB picks the message up off the SCA destination
  3. The SCA MDB makes the call to the correct target component
  4. The target component throws a ServiceRuntimeException
  5. The SCA MDB transaction rolls back to the SCA destination
  6. The exception information is stored to the failed event manager database with a status of not confirmed
  7. The invocation is retried by the SIBus n number of times

    The initial retry count value for new modules is 0 - one original and 0 retries. Existing modules from previous releases keep the existing retry count value of 4. You can change the retry count value by setting the asynchronous retry count for the modules at design time. Also, administrators can change it at run time using the configSCAAsyncRetryCount command. See Controlling system retries.

  8. After the number of retries reaches the specified limit, the message is moved to the failed event manager destination.
  9. The failed event manager database picks up the message
  10. The failed event manager database updates the failed event in the database and the status is set to failed.

When are failed events created?

As stated, failed events are neither created for synchronous invocations nor typically for two-way business process interactions.

Failed events are generally created when clients use an asynchronous invocation pattern and a ServiceRuntimeException is thrown by the service provider.

If everything is done synchronously and in the same transaction, data is not collected anywhere. Instead it is all rolled back to the client that made the call. Where ever a commit is occurs, data collects. If the calls are all synchronous, but there are multiple commits, then these commits become an issue.

In general, you should use asynchronous processing calls or long running BPEL processes if multiple transactions are needed. So each ASYNC call is a chance for data to collect. Long running BPEL processes are a collection point.

Table 1. Invocation patterns and relationship to the creation of failed events: Service Business Exceptions
Invocation Pattern Failed Event Created Y/N? Notes
Synchronous No Failed events are not created for service business exceptions or when using a synchronous pattern
Asynchronous - One Way No By definition, one-way invocations cannot declare faults, meaning, it is impossible to throw a ServiceBusinessException.
Asynchronous - Deferred Response No Failed events are not created for service business exceptions
Asynchronous - Callback No Failed events are not created for service business exceptions
Table 2. Invocation patterns and relationship to the creation of failed events: Service Runtime Exceptions
Invocation Pattern Failed Event Created Y/N? Notes
Synchronous No Failed events are not created for service runtime exceptions or when using a synchronous pattern.
Asynchronous - One Way Yes  
Asynchronous - Deferred Response Yes  
Asynchronous - Callback Yes  
BPEL - Two Way No
Failed events are not created when the source component is a business process.
Note: For an asynchronous call, if the response cannot be returned to BPEL, then a failed event is created.
BPEL - One Way Yes  
For additional information, review the information center topic titled Managing failed events.

Additional information about viewing and resubmitting failed events can be found in section Resubmitting failed events.

Service integration bus destinations

Messages that are waiting to be processed may accumulate in a few service integration bus (SIBus) destinations. For the most part these destinations are "system" destinations. Messages within these destinations typically are a mixture of three types:
  • Asynchronous requests for processing
  • Asynchronous replies to requests
  • Asynchronous messages that failed deserialization or function selector resolution
    Note: Asynchronous replies can be valid Business Objects or faults returned as a result of a request.

SCA module destination

Again, refer back to our business case.

There would be two SCA module destinations in the solution:
  • sca/AccountRouting
  • sca/AccountCreation

These destinations are created when the module is deployed to an application server or a cluster.

There are rare opportunities for messages to accumulate in these destinations. The accumulation of messages in these locations is a strong indication that there maybe a performance problem or an application defect. Investigate immediately. It is important to monitor the depth of the module destinations (with your chosen IT monitoring solution), because a back up of messages could lead to a system outage or a prolonged recycle time.

We call these SCA module destinations because the generated name is the same as the module name with the additional sca/. These destinations are pivotal in the functioning of SCA asynchronous invocations (brokering requests and responses). There are a varying number of additional destinations that are generated during application installation on the SCA.SYSTEM bus, but for the purpose of the discussion we'll be addressing the importance of the SCA module destination.

Service integration bus retry

As we learned above, the failed event manager has a built-in retry mechanism with the SCA message driven bean (MDB).

Referring to our business case, there are a number of service integration bus destinations created by SCA to support asynchronous communication.

As we have learned, one of these destinations is called sca/AccountRouting. You can adjust the number of retries that happen when a ServiceRuntimeException occurs on an asynchronous service invocation. The number of retries can be controlled by setting the asynchronous retry count for the module at design time or by using the configSCAAsyncRetryCount command at run time. However, you cannot set the value less than 2 in modules with a BPEL process. The second delivery is required to return ServiceRuntimeExceptions back to the BPEL for processing.

For more information about retry behavior, see Controlling system retries.

System exception destinations

The failed event manager is one place where we can look to administer failures. When dealing with imports and exports that are JMS or EIS based, we must consider another important location.

Destinations on the SCA.Application bus are configured to route failed messages to the service integration bus system exception destination for that bus. Thus, if a JMS export picks up a message from the SCA.Application bus and runs into a rollback situation, the failed message is routed to the service integration bus system exception destination instead of to the process server recovery exception destination. This scenario differs from the failed event discussion above in that a failure to deserialize a message on the SCA.Application bus will not result in a failed event. There is a system exception destination on every bus within the solution. These destinations must be monitored and administered much like the "dead letter queue" common to MQ infrastructures.

Consider the following scenario.

Diagram showing how system exceptions are processed.
An external JMS client places a message on an inbound queue exposed via a JMS export. The JMS export binding MDB picks up the message for processing. From here, one of two things happens:
  1. The JMS export successfully parses the message and determines which operation on the interface to invoke at which point the message is sent to the SCA runtime for processing.
  2. The JMS export fails to recognize the message body as a valid business object or the JMS export binding deserializes the message body but is unable to determine the appropriate operation on the interface to invoke. At this point the message is placed on the system exception destination for the bus.

We can have this type of failure when trying to receive requests from the AccountRoutingJMSExport (1). This export is a JMS export and there is a possibility that events can accumulate on the system exception destination on the SCA.Application.Bus. Use the chosen IT monitoring solution to observe the depth of this destination.

Failed event manager and service integration bus destinations

For IBM Business Process Manager, the exception destination is set to the IBM Business Process Manager exception destination queue. This queue follows a naming convention as follows:
Node name: MyNode
Server name: server1
Recovery exception destination: WBI.FailedEvent.MyNode.server1
In general, all the destinations created on the SCA.System bus are configured to route failed messages to the recovery exception destination.

When a system failure occurs, in addition to capturing the failed message in this exception destination, the IBM Business Process Manager recovery feature also generates a failed event that represents the system error and stores it into the Recovery database as described in the failed event manager section of this document.


In summary, IBM Business Process Manager provides administrative capabilities above and beyond the underlying WebSphere Application Server platform. Proper measures should be made to understand and use these capabilities along with following the guidance provided in the Planning error prevention section of Planning error prevention and recovery.

Table 3. Administrative capabilities to help manage failures
Administrative Capability Bundled With IBM Business Process Manager? Summary
Business Process Choreographer Explorer Yes Read/Write/Edit/Delete Access. This is the central place to administer business processes and human tasks.
failed event manager Yes Read/Edit/Delete Access. This is the central place to administer Service Runtime Exceptions and other forms of infrastructure failures.

Service Integration Bus Browser


Read/Delete. Use the Service Integration Bus Browser on the administrative console for browsing and performing day-to-day operational tasks on service integration buses.

Note: The number of events or records that can be simultaneously administered by these tools are specific to external factors such as memory allocation, result sets and DB tuning, connection timeout. Run tests and set the appropriate thresholds to avoid exceptions (OOM, TransactionTimeOut).