Configuring the My Team Performance dashboard (deprecated)

You can configure certain aspects of the My Team Performance dashboard, for example, which tasks are visible to team managers and the maximum number of tasks that is displayed in the task list.

Before you begin

These configuration settings apply only to the deprecated My Team Performance dashboard (known as the My Team Performance scoreboard in releases earlier than IBM® Business Process Manager V8.0). This dashboard is deprecated in IBM BPM V8.5 and not enabled by default.
Verify that the following components are stopped:
  • Process Center server
  • IBM Process Server

About this task

To configure the dashboard settings, update the PROFILE_HOME\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\node_name\servers\server_name\process-server\config\100Custom.xml configuration file.

The following elements in the 100Custom.xml configuration file control the dashboard settings.
These elements control who can see tasks in the dashboard. The default value for both elements is false. When the default is set for both elements, the manager can see tasks that are assigned to the manager's groups, regardless of whether the tasks are claimed.

To include tasks that are assigned directly to users in the manager's groups, even if the tasks were not initially assigned to the group, set the value of the element for user-assigned tasks to true.

To include tasks that are assigned to related groups, set the value of the element for related groups to true. A related group is a group that any user in a manager's group also belongs to.

Attention: If you change the default value of the following element, the performance of the scoreboard might be affected because more groups must be queried for the list of assigned tasks.
This element controls the maximum number of tasks that is displayed in the task list. The default value is 1000. You can change this value. However, the larger the value, the longer it takes to populate the list.


  1. Open the 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml files in a text editor.
    Important: Do not edit the 99Local.xml file. Change only the 100Custom.xml file.
  2. Copy the appropriate section from the 99Local.xml file to the 100Custom.xml file.
    		<server merge="mergeChildren">
    			<portal merge="mergeChildren">
    				<my-team-performance-task-visibility-for-user-assigned-tasks merge="replace">false</my-team-performance-task-visibility-for-user-assigned-tasks> 
    				<my-team-performance-task-visibility-for-related-groups merge="replace">false</my-team-performance-task-visibility-for-related-groups>
    				<my-team-performance-max-task-list-size merge="replace">1000</my-team-performance-max-task-list-size>
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Start Process Center server or Process Server.