Process search optimization

You can optimize the number of retrieved results entries of your saved searches, and you can optimize your process searches by using the saved search acceleration tools.

Optimize the number of loaded search result entries

You can optimize the number of retrieved results entries of your saved searches.

The saved searches are optimized to process 500 result entries. The displayed pages of the result contain up to 500 entries, which are retrieved from the server. In addition, the total number of entries is displayed.

If you expect more than 500 records for a call, for example, if you are using the TWSearch function or the saved search in an API format, you can increase this number.

To retrieve a different number of entries, complete the following steps:
  1. Insert the following section into the 100custom.xml file:
        <server merge="mergeChildren">
      <process-search-engine-count-optimization merge="replace">500</process-search-engine-count-optimization>
  2. Adjust the 500 value to meet your needs. The larger the value, the more memory and time is needed to retrieve the entries.
  3. After saving changes to the 100custom.xml file, restart the server.

Optimize saved searches with business data variables

You can optimize your process searches by using the saved search acceleration tools.

For systems that have a large amount of business data and are used in searches (for example 10+) the Process Portal tasks and instance queries might operate slower than expected. When you use the save search acceleration tools to optimize your process searches, Process Portal searches that constrain on business data are faster.

Tip: You optimize a process search only on runtime or production systems. It is suggested that you do not optimize process searches on systems that are used for development, or for systems where changes happen frequently to deployed applications.
You use the following two search acceleration tools to optimize a process search:
  • SchemaGenerator tool - This tool generates two new tables: LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_VAR_NAMES (variables table), and LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_VARS_PIVOT (pivot table) . It also generates the schema for each table.
  • DataLoad tool - This tool populates the variables table data from the BPD instances that are currently in progress.
The pivot and variables tables
The pivot and variables tables ensure that your query runs efficiently once your process search has been optimized. The tables present data in the following format, with each item in its own column:
  • The pivot table
    • Instance ID
    • Every searchable business data variable defined in all currently deployed BPDs
    • Every business data variable defined in LSW_BPD_INSTANCE_VARIABLES
  • The variables table
    • Variable name
    • Column name
    • Data type
Process search optimization overview
A process search optimization can consist of three unique process
  • Enabling an optimization
  • Disabling an optimization
  • Re-enabling an optimization
To enable process search optimization, you must run the optimization tools:

To disable optimization, complete the following steps:

  1. Shut down the server
  2. Remove the pivot and variables tables from your database.
  3. Restart the server.
To re-enable optimization, complete the following steps:
  1. Deploy all BPD updates.
  2. Stop the server.
  3. Remove the pivot and variables tables from your database.
  4. Rerun the SchemaGenerator and DataLoad tools.
  5. Restart the server.
System requirements and restrictions

The following requirements and restrictions apply:

  • You use this process only for production deployments, or for systems that simulate production deployments.
  • You must rerun the tools in the following cases:
    • You have deployed a new BPD that contains searchable business data variables
    • You have updated an existing BPD (deploying a new BPD snapshot) that now contains searchable business data variables
    • You have deployed a modified BPD that has changes to its business data variable definitions (adding new variables, renaming an existing variable, modifying the type of an existing variable) and these variables are marked "Available in Search"
    • You have deployed a modified BPD and you have removed the "Available in Search" setting for at least one of the business data variables
    When you rerun the tools, you rebuild the pivot table.
    Note: Business data is defined by making the Available in Search variable available on the BPD property sheet. See Making business data available in searches and views
    Restriction: If you do not do rerun the optimization tools when a BPD has changed, your process searches will generate failures.

The following restrictions apply to a DB2 database.

  • The pivot table copies of all string values are truncated if they exceed 128 bytes. This affects only Inbox queries.
  • The sizes of all unique business data variables, when added together, must be less than 32767 bytes. This means if all your business data variables were strings, you would be limited to 255. This restriction is on all unique business data variables defined across all of your deployed BPDs. For example, if you had three BPDs deployed that each had six business data variables, but one of them was defined in exactly the same way in all three BPDs, then you would have a total of 16 unique business data variables.