Managing IBM Business Process Manager configuration settings

In some cases, administrators might need to make changes to the IBM® Business Process Manager configuration that require additions or edits to various configuration files.

When you modify a server configuration, always make the changes to the 100Custom.xml file, not to the original configuration file. In this way, all customizations are captured in a single file and are readily available if you upgrade to a new version of IBM Business Process Manager.

Path names to configuration files and other resources in the following topics are specific to the server you are configuring. For example, the 100Custom.xml and 99Local.xml files are stored in the profile root for the server, where the value of server_type is either process-center or process-server, depending on which server you are configuring.
Note: The updateBPMconfig admin task was added in V7.5.1.1. This admin task updates the XML configuration files including the 100Custom.xml file to provide a single file that has all of the changes applied to the environment. The admin task creates the 100Custom.xml file if it does not exist. If you have multiple versions of the custom file, such as 101Custom.xml, 102Custom.xml, and so on, then only the 100Custom.xml file is updated.
In addition, the location of the configuration files depends on whether your environment is stand-alone, clustered network deployment, or single server network deployment.
For a stand-alone server environment
  • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\stand-alone_node_name\servers\server_name\server_type\config\system\99Local.xml
  • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\stand-alone_node_name\servers\server_name\server_type\config\100Custom.xml
For a network deployment cluster environment
  • In the network deployment Process Server cluster:
    • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\clusters\cluster_name\server_type\config\system\99Local.xml
    • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\clusters\cluster_name\server_type\config\100Custom.xml
  • Each Process Server cluster member at:
    • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\custom_node_name\servers\cluster-member-name\server_type\config\system\99Local.xml
    • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\custom_node_name\servers\cluster-member-name\server_type\config\100Custom.xml
For a network deployment single server environment
  • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\custom_node_name\servers\server_name\server_type\config\system\99Local.xml
  • PROFILE_ROOT\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\custom_node_name\servers\server_name\server_type\config\100Custom.xml