Channel programs

This section looks at the different types of channel programs (MCAs) available for use at the channels.

The names of the MCAs are shown in the following tables.

Table 1. Channel programs for Windows, UNIX and Linux systems
Program name Direction of connection Communication
amqrmppa   Any
runmqlsr Inbound Any
amqcrs6a Inbound LU 6.2
amqcrsta Inbound TCP
runmqchl Outbound Any
runmqchi Outbound Any

runmqlsr (Run IBM® MQ listener), runmqchl (Run IBM MQ channel), and runmqchi (Run IBM MQ channel initiator) are control commands that you can enter at the command line.

amqcrsta is invoked for TCP channels on UNIX and Linux® systems using inetd, where no listener is started.

amqcrs6a is invoked as a transaction program when using LU6.2