
If XMS detects an error while processing a call to a .NET method, XMS throws an exception. An exception is an object that encapsulates information about the error.

Inheritance hierarchy:


There are different types of XMS exception, and an XMSException object is just one type of exception. However, the XMSException class is a superclass of the other XMS exception classes. XMS throws an XMSException object in situations where none of the other types of exception are appropriate.

.NET properties

Summary of .NET properties:
.NET property Description
ErrorCode Get the error code.
LinkedException Get the next exception in the chain of exceptions.

ErrorCode - Get Error Code


public String ErrorCode 
  get {return errorCode_;}

Get the error code.

  • XMSException

LinkedException - Get Linked Exception


public Exception LinkedException 
  get { return linkedException_;}
  set { linkedException_ = value;}

Get the next exception in the chain of exceptions.

The method returns a null if there are no more exceptions in the chain.

  • XMSException