
An MQSUB call failed because of a problem with the destination where publications messages are to be sent, so an object handle cannot be returned to the application and the subscription is not made. This can be for one of the following reasons:
  • The MQSUB call used MQSO_CREATE, MQSO_MANAGED and MQSO_NON_DURABLE and the model queue referred to by MNDURMDL on the administrative topic node does not exist
  • The MQSUB call used MQSO_CREATE, MQSO_MANAGED and MQSO_DURABLE and the model queue referred to by MDURMDL on the administrative topic node does not exist, or has been defined with a DEFTYPE of TEMPDYN.
  • The MQSUB call used MQSO_CREATE or MQSO_ALTER on a durable subscription and the object handle provided referred to a temporary dynamic queue. This is not an appropriate destination for a durable subscription.
  • The MQSUB call used MQSO_RESUME and a Hobj of MQHO_NONE, to resume an administratively created subscription, but the queue name provided in the DEST parameter of the subscription does not exist.
  • The MQSUB call used MQSO_RESUME and a Hobj of MQHO_NONE, to resume a previously created API subscription, but the queue previously used no longer exists.

Completion Code


Programmer Response

Ensure that the model queues referred to by MNDURMDL and MDURMDL exist and have an appropriate DEFTYPE. Create the queue referred to by the DEST parameter in an administrative subscription if one is being used. Alter the subscription to use an existing queue if the previously used one does not exist.