Troubleshooting channel authentication records

If you are having problems using channel authentication records, check whether the problem is described in the following information.

What address are you presenting to the queue manager?

The address that your channel presents to the queue manager depends on the network adapter being used. For example, if the CONNAME you use to get to the listener is "localhost", you present as your address; if it is the real IP address of your computer, then that is the address you present to the queue manager. You might invoke different authentication rules for and your real IP address.

Using BLOCKADDR with channel names

If you use SET CHLAUTH TYPE(BLOCKADDR), it must have the generic channel name CHLAUTH(*) and nothing else. You must block access from the specified addresses using any channel name.

Behaviour of SET CHLAUTH command over queue manager restart

If the SYSTEM.CHLAUTH.DATA.QUEUE, has been deleted or altered in a way that it is no longer accessible i.e. PUT(DISABLED), the SET CHLAUTH command will only be partially successful. In this instance, SET CHLAUTH will update the in-memory cache, but will fail when hardening.

This means that although the rule put in place by the SET CHLAUTH command may be operable initially, the effect of the command will not persist over a queue manager restart. The user should investigate, ensuring the queue is accessible and then reissue the command (using ACTION(REPLACE) ) before cycling the queue manager.

If the SYSTEM.CHLAUTH.DATA.QUEUE remains inaccessible at queue manager startup, the cache of saved rules cannot be loaded and all channels will be blocked until the queue and rules become accessible.