IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.6.0

Installing TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher

The installation process loads version 12 of TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator/Publisher as a plug-in for CAD applications and adds the IBM TRIRIGA menu to the CAD application menu bar. The installation process also adds a desktop shortcut that you use to access your CAD application.

Before you begin

The following prerequisites must be met:
  • A user who installs version 12 must have administrator rights.
  • The installation workstation must have a supported version of CAD software installed.
  • The installation workstation does not have a version of TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher already installed. If a previous version exists, do not uninstall the previous version or run the installation process; run the upgrade process.

About this task

An administrator runs the installation process on the workstation of each CAD application user. An administrator can install version 12 for administrator and non-administrator users.

The language list that is displyed in the installation process is based on the system locale. The language that you select sets the language for TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher. If a workstation has more than one type of CAD application, all the CAD application types use the same language.


  1. Open the installation folder and double-click the install_ci_v12.1.x.x.exe file.
  2. Follow the prompts in the installation program, and select Install in the Choose Install Set window.
  3. Verify the installation.
  4. Optional: Uninstall the previous version.