IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Creating lease abstract records by sending offline forms

In some cases, the best option might be to send lease data through email attachments. As an alternative to directly specifying lease abstract records, you can email Microsoft Excel offline forms to a configured incoming email address. When the offline form reaches the target application, the data populates a new lease abstract record.

Before you begin

You must obtain the Real Estate Lease Abstract offline form and target email address from the Application Administrator. The lease identifier (ID) of a lease abstract record must be unique. The target application rejects any imported lease abstract record with a lease identifier that matches a lease abstract record already in the database.


  1. In Microsoft Excel, open the Real Estate Lease Abstract offline form for a lease abstract record.
  2. Specify the lease information in the offline form.
  3. When the offline form is complete, verify in your application that the Lease ID field value does not exist. If the Lease ID field value does exist, revise the ID.
  4. Click the E-Mail Offline Form action.
  5. Verify that the subject of the email is LEASE ABSTRACT FORM.
