Preparing to use Windows PowerShell cmdlets with Data Protection for Exchange Server

Data Protection for Exchange Server includes a set of Windows PowerShell cmdlets to help you manage Data Protection for Exchange Server components in your environment.

About this task

You can issue the cmdlets that are provided with Data Protection for Exchange Server in Windows environments.

Data Protection for Exchange Server cmdlets help support a seamless management environment and greatly improve remote management and automation capabilities. You can aggregate cmdlets together to form commands and use the large volume of existing cmdlets from other vendors.

Before you use the cmdlets, complete the following steps.


  1. Log on to the system as an administrator.
  2. From a Windows PowerShell command prompt, issue the following command:
    set-executionpolicy remotesigned
  3. During installation of Data Protection for Exchange Server, the following Windows PowerShell modules are imported automatically from the TDPExchange folder.
    • FmModuleExc.dll
    • FmModuleMMC.dll
    If you wish to import the Windows PowerShell modules manually, from the Windows PowerShell command prompt, import modules, with the administrator credentials, as follows:
    1. Navigate to the TDPExchange folder.
    2. Issue the following commands:
      import-module .\FmModuleExc.dll
      import-module .\FmModuleMMC.dll
    3. (Optional) To use the cmdlets in these modules any time that you start Windows PowerShell, add the following lines to your profile. The following path is the default profile path.
        $path = (get-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\IBM\TDPExchange\
      			currentversion\mmc" -ea SilentlyContinue).path
        if ($null -ne $path)
          dir "$path\fmmodule*.dll" | select -expand fullname | import-module 
      				-force -Global

What to do next

For information about creating, running, monitoring, and troubleshooting scripts with cmdlets, see Windows PowerShell 3.0 or later documentation. For more information about Windows PowerShell cmdlets, consistent naming patterns, parameters, arguments, and syntax, see this web page as a starting point:Microsoft TechNet: Getting Started with Windows PowerShell .